(D.W.) Not All Heroes are Heroes pt.3

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Key: B/f/n Best Friends Name, Y/f/s Your Favourite Show

I sat at the back of the class only half listening to what the teacher was rambling on about. I pulled out the little beacon from my pocket and spun it around in my hand absentmindedly. I had had it on me ever since that night in the clock tower. Robin's word stuck with me. That if I was ever in danger, all I had to do was push the button.
Those words unsettled me and put me on edge. He said it as though he knew something I did not. 

"Can you stop that, it's very distracting." Y/b/n said motioning to my leg. I hadn't noticed I'd been bouncing it up and down.
"Sorry," I said stopping immediately. 

The bell rang and everyone got up and filed through the door, eager to get home.

"Wanna stay at mine this weekend?" B/f/n asked as she caught up, pushing through the crowd of students. "We can stay up late and watch the latest episodes of y/f/s." She suggested.
"Ohhh, now you have my attention." I laughed as we giggled like little school girls.
"Well text me when you're on your way." We hugged goodbye before parting ways. 

*Time Skip*

We were huddled together on the couch watching y/f/s. The wind had picked up and rustled the leaves on the trees outside and howled as it entered through the tiniest of cracks, finding its way into the house. 
"Do you want more popcorn?" I asked as y/b/n shoveled down the last pieces.
"Mhh Hmm." She hummed with a mouthful of popcorn. 
"I won't take long, don't want to miss anything important." 

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed out another bag of popcorn and watched as it popped in the microwave.
I looked out the window and watched the branches dance in the wind. They seemed so free. It made me smile just watching.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I moved closer to the window and peered out into the darkness. It was too dark to really see anything.

"Ding." The popcorn was done.

"Try not to eat all of it this time." I laughed handing y/b/n the bowl.
"Yeah, yeah. Just sit down before you miss something important." She yanked on my sleeve as the next scene came on.

The lights began to flicker before they all turned off. The tv. went out and so did the all the street lamps outside. 
"Ugh, it was just getting good!" B/f/n exclaimed in annoyance.
"It's probably the wind or something. Knocked over a powerline, they'll fix it in no time." I looked around, trying to adjust to the sudden darkness.
" Then we can get back to watching y/f/s." I couldn't quite see her smile but I knew it was there.

We waited for a while, scrolling through our phones looking for any updates about the power.

"Did you hear that?" B/f/n asked.
"No, hear what?" I looked around concerned.
"It was probably nothing, just the wind." She said brushing it aside.

Then I heard it, the sound of the floorboards creaking under the weight of someone.
"I heard that," I whispered. B/f/n grabbed my arm and squeezed tightly. 
"Shh." I mouthed to her as I pulled her towards the closet room. 

But it was too late, whoever was in the house, saw us. B/f/n screamed at the top of her lungs as we made a run for it upstairs. The man following close behind with something in his hand.

"Quick get in!" I yelled at b/f/n as I shoved her into the bathroom. I turned around and was met with the man.
"I'll make this quick." He said as he held up a knife.
"Is that from the kitchen?" I asked before realizing what he was about to do. I moved out of his way before he managed to plunge at me with the knife.

"Y/n!" B/f/n yelled.
"Lock the door!" I yelled back as I ran further down the hallway.

The man charged at me as I threw myself into a room and closed the door behind me.
"Ha, you think a door is going to stop me!" I could hear the man laughing to himself on the other side. He began kicking the door.

"Shit, shit, shit." I looked around the room for a way out. There wasn't one unless I wanted to jump from the second story and even f I did that I'd be leaving behind b/f/n and I couldn't do that.

Then I remembered the beacon. I pulled it out of my pocket and press the button.
"Please come find me, Robin," I whispered to myself, holding the beacon close to my chest as I closed my eyes.

The kicking continued, along with his shouts. There was a pause for a second and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. Then there was a loud thud above my head. I looked up and there it was the knife, poking through the door. He pulled it out and took another stab.

I screamed as this time it got me across the arm. I moved away quickly and I held the cut. Blood rolled down my arm and I was hesitant to look at it. Thankfully I wasn't in too much pain.
It didn't take the man long to figure out that there was no lock on the door and soon enough there he stood in front of me. My back was against the wall and there was no escape for me now. My body shook with fear as I closed my eyes waiting for the knife to impale me.

But nothing happened. I opened my eyes and watched as the man fell to the ground in front of me.
"What the heck?" I looked up and behind him stood Robin. Without even thinking I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" I buried my head in the crook of his next as he wrapped his arms around me.
"'I told you I would come and help if you were ever in danger." 

B/f/n ran into the room holding a bat "Where is he, wheres the man!" She yelled.
"'It's okay b/f/n, Robin took care of him." I pulled away from Robin and went over to b/f/n and lowered her bat.
"Robin?" She asked trying to hide her excitement.
"Y/n, your arm, it's bleeding." Robin held my arm gently as he took a closer look at it.
"It's fine, I'm sure," I said brushing it off, giving him a small smile.
"You should probably get it looked at just in case." He rubbed the back of his neck, aware of b/f/n hawk-like eyes, following his every move. "I should get going, I'll take this man to the police." He picked up the man and dragged him out of the house.

I gave him back the beacon as he opened the door.
"Yeah, Robin?" 
"It's not just a one time use, you can keep the beacon." I could see a small smile appear on his face.

Then he vanished into the night. I felt a jab in my stomach.
"Ow! What was that for?" 
"When were you going to tell me you knew Robin!" 

Thank you, thank you guys, for 7,000 reads! I say it all the time, but it truly is insane and I still can't quite believe it. So from the bottom of my hear, thank you so much!

MidWinter Mist xx

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