Chapter 1: Helicopter Fall

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Yeah. Peter was definitely failing his Spanish quiz in the morning.

He'd meant to be home, with his head shoved in his textbook, hours ago. He'd traded studying for patrolling every night this week – arguing with himself that he could always cram tomorrow. Well tomorrow was here.

And Peter was clinging to the underside of a helicopter for dear life, thousands of feet above Queens.

Not really what he'd planned for the evening – but after finding the ski-mask-wearing, large-gun-totting, group of men fleeing a jewellery store just after midnight Peter could hardly walk away - even if it did mean failing another Spanish quiz.

MJ was going to kill him – if these guys didn't beat her too it.

"Engedje meg a szörnyeteget!"

One of the aforementioned ski-mask-clad men leaned out of the helicopter cabin and fired several shots in Peter's direction.

"Yeah. Dude. Still not a clue what you're saying." Peter yelped, pressing up against the metal helicopter frame in an effort to avoid the wild bullets. "But if you bring this thing down I'm happy to try and-"

Several more shots cut him off.

The freezing November air cut to Peter's very bones as the helicopter rose even higher. They were hovering well beyond any of the buildings in the area now, and swaying heavily from side to side as the men repeatedly leant in and out of the cabin, firing in Peter's direction. It was becoming somewhat of an issue.

Peter was doing all he could to remain on the helicopter. The cold was doing his already cramped, and stiff fingers no favours, and sliding off the bottom was starting to become a real possibility. And problem. The buildings below were way too far away for comfort, and he'd used his parachute last week when he'd been all but flung into the sky by a jetpack-wielding-megalomaniac.

"Lődd le!"

The shooting picked up – one man leaning almost all of the way out of the cabin to get a better aim at Peter.

"Look, if that was a surrender, I accept." Peter yelled.

The hailing of bullets continued. Peter's fingers slipped a little. He panicked slightly. Crashing painfully against the underside of the helicopter as he flung his entire body along the cool metal. A bullet grazed his left leg.

Yeah. This might not end so well.

"Might I suggest a different course of action?"

Karen's voice cut in over Peter's panicked gasps.

"YES!" Peter all screeched, shifting just slightly to avoid another bullet. "Yes! Please do-"

"You are reaching restricted altitude." Karen's voice cut him off. The helicopter continued to spiral upwards. "A pre-set height of exactly two-thousand feet – dictated by the 'Baby-Proofing' protocall."

"THE WHAT?!" It was definitely a screech that time. Peter shook his head manically, clinging to the cool metal of the helicopter desperately as if flung from side to side. "Look, never mind – Karen I need-"

Another series of shots rung out, only this time one hit home.

Just not in Peter.

A deafening clang rang out as one of the bullets collided with the main rotor above the helicopter – the rotor snapped upward, bending back on itself, and jerked wildly.

One more jerk and the helicopter was no longer spiralling upwards.

It was catapulting downwards.

5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. And the 1 Time Tony didn't.Where stories live. Discover now