Chapter Two

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Lizy's POV:

The scene in front of me took me by surprise.

Did my father know this would happen?

  Is this why he told me to be away for five hours?

Why such a direct time line?

I could not shake away the naseua that griped my stomach with iron talons.

The ash that littered the air made it impossible to breath. Making the situation far worse than it already was.

Was I breathing in the nice town folks that I had grown up with. They were my family, they were my friends.

Who had done this and what could they have gained doing so?

If it was my father. 

    No it couldn't be him. These people were his family too. It would make no sense to take allies away like this.

In such a way.

This was inhumane. Burning an entire village within minutes was not possible for a human.

Most of the village would still be burning if this was done by the humans fire.

That was just common knowledge for a person like me.

Yet, if this was not done by a human could that possible mean that the thing that did this is still close by?

My long black hair blew in the annoyed wind. The animals that had followed me( due to my aura being in distress ) now sniffed the air wishing to smell something other than the ash of several people.

My gut told me that this situation had something to do with me. Maybe, they burned down the village thinking I was in it.

As my mind swirled at an extreme rate  with several different outcomes waiting to happen. Several different reasons why this had happened.

  Why only us three kids had servived.

My mind had entered the dream land without me realizing it. Only until I heard the dark crunch of Bones beneth hevy duty boots did I realized were I now stood.

Deaths layer. Not physically of course more mentally than anything.

Still if Death caught me here then he could crush my mind within seconds leaving nothing but a hollow shell at the village.

I needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

Before I could even think straight I heard a sigh as though someone had been holding there breath as to not scare me away.

My entire body tightened beyond belief. Every muscle rippled into action making my body a steel wall within seconds.

I blame two things for what happened next
1) I was not thinking straight ( or else I'd be back at the village)
2) And at last but not least I felt like something was keeping me here.

Know remember I was not thinking straight non the less I wipped my head around to find the intruder wasn't them it was me.

Death sat atop a pile of Bones as if it was his throne.

  I wasn't able to see his face through the black metal cover that clung to his jaw beneath his nose.

His eyes were hidden by a soulless coat. The hood dropped over his face just enough that if you tried to take a peek you would be greeted with a wild maddness.

His position screamed that he was the boss here.

That meant that he probably heard the intruder and came to investigate.

Finding me in his lair was to him the most amusing thing he'd seen in decades.

I was held in his home by his strong abilities.

He clucked his tongue ether in annoyance or disappointment I knew not which he intended.

He stood up from what I assumed was his comfortable seat and was behind me within that nanosecond.

A gasp slip past my lips before I could have stopped myself.

Leaning forward Death, said with sharp words, that reminded me of gravel against metal.

"Go home Priestess!"

  Deaths layer shook like an earthquake had taken over the world. My eardrums throbed violently.

A sharp pain took over my head and with a scream I jolted back into the remains of the village. Stumbling forward I started to run hoping to get to my friends in time.

I didn't know why I was feeling pressured for time. Yet the uneasy feeling that swarmed my gut would not stop telling me something bad was going to happen, if it hadn't already.

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