an attractive dumbass | oikawa tooru

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i swear, everyone's in love with Oikawa. am I the only that that's not head over heals over oikawa? I see a lot of posts about him and people love him a lot but he's not even in my top 10 favourite haikyuu characters lmao

After a day of training for the Aoba Josai volleyball team, it was finally over. I let out a sigh of relief as the final drill was over.

"Good job you guys!" I yelled as I began to pass towels and bottles of water around to the team.

"Take a break and then we'll start cleaning up." I said.

Before I could relax, an eager, tall brunette came running towards me, who yelled "(y/n)-chan!" I closed my eyes and braced myself to get tackled but instead, I heard a grunt, a loud bump and a "ouch!" And then a "mean Iwa-chan!"

I opened my eyes to see Iwaizumi standing with his arms crossed with one of his legs stuck out more than the other. I let my eyes trail downwards to see none other than Oikawa on the floor.

"Trashykawa! Don't be trying to tackle our manager." Iwaizumi said sternly as he used his foot of roughly crush Oikawa's back.

I chuckled and brought my hands to my waist. "Jeez Oikawa, I'd have expected you to have learned by now."

I shook my head and sighed, "come now." I let my hand out for him to grab, which he quickly did to escape from his child-hood friend.

He immediately went for a crushing hug as he stood up, "Ah! My saviour!"

I let a few seconds pass before I attempted to push him off, which he did not oblige. "Okok, that's enough. You stink, and you're still sweaty! Let go before I get Iwaizumi to get you off!"

He shook his head. "No (y/n)-chan!"

"Only if you go out with me!" He suddenly yelled. I felt my face heat up and I shook my head. "Take me out to dinner first."

Even if it wasn't the first time he'd asked you, you'd always be caught off guard. It's not that you wouldn't either, it's just he never actually asked you on a date, or hung out, by yourselves anyway. Iwaizumi was always there.

I went to whistle go catch Iwaizumi's attention. Oikawa quickly let go, sighing in defeat. "Fine!" He crossed his arms and did a 'hmpt.'

I sighed. Oikawa, a great captain, who was also a fool and kinda dumb. He was dense too. I'd have given multiple hints and opportunities to ask you out, on a date that is. But he was so clueless. You'd expect Oikawa to be, almost an expert or something.

"So mean, (Y-n)-chan! Give me a chance!"

I mentally sighed and gently patted his back. "Bring me out sometime, maybe we'll talk about it."

He glanced back at me and smiled.

Knowing Oikawa, he'd probably thought it was sarcasm and that I wasn't serious.

Alas, he was a dumbass. An attractive dumbass that is.

Suddenly, break was over. I blew a whistle, "time to clean up!" I gave some orders to people. I hoped to leave early this time.

Iwaizumi came over and I stared over his direction. "Hey (y-n)-san, can you take out the trash, I have to do this." He gestured to something else.

"Oh, sure." I walked over to the trash.

"I'm taking you out, let's go." I said, grabbing his arm.

Oikawa stares, dumbfounded before various emotions washed over his face. First it was offence, embarrassment, and then confusion, shock and finally, realization. However, he wasn't sure if he should actually be offended or glad that you'd actually ask him out on a date.

I glanced around real quick, seeing everyone's expression. I was sure they weren't that they themselves weren't sure if they should laugh or be shocked.

I sighed, and began dragging him out. "Bye! Take care of it for me please!"

"Oh! (Y/n)-chan you're actually serious!"

A week later, Oikawa and I started dating. And right now, I was explaining to him the multiple hints and opportunities he missed to ask me out on a date himself.

"Toru! You were so oblivious! All we had to do was go on a date and I'd date you! You were so dumb! I swear, I had to take it into my own hands because I was getting impatient!"

"I swear I thought you were just teasing and not serious!"

"Tooru, you dumbass."

"An attractive dumbass."


In my a/n post, I said I moved half way across the country, and now, I moved back a few months ago again lmao. I transferred schools and idk how many schools I've been to now, like 8?

Also, I'm so bad at romance, I should write an actual relationship instead of just the start of one or like, the flirting stage or whatever


You guys should vote and comment pls, I'm still only under 1k reads but like, still ya know lmao. It actually helps with motivation

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