Wizards? Father perhaps you've gone mad-

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     As usual I was laying on my soft bed in my cabin, trying to get a peaceful sleep, key word trying. Unfortunately, due to my status of demigod that is impossible, so my father had other ideas, those of which weren't about me sleeping, nor being comfortable, because just then a painful headache came, which is his way of summoning me to audience, of course this is much better than what he used to do. You see he used to just teleport me to his chambers,  and sometimes I wasn't even dressed let alone awake, and sometimes they were just not ok. So what the message here now is Come down here this instant! Thats what the headache's always mean, but hey! Can't complain.
     So I do the usual and shadow travel there, but of course first I at least try to look appropriate so clothes. I spotted my dad, as usual, sitting on his throne all high and mighty, his aura just yelled out;  I am dangerous, mess with me and you pay, with your life. And that is enough to make a dragon (scary ones) run away with their tails between their legs, no of course you humans call them dragons, and I'll let you live with that in mind, I bowed in respect.

  " Rise my son. "

      After the war against "Mother Earth" he has been treating me as his actual child, and not some peasant, which I am quite pleased about.

  " I have summoned you here tonight to tell you that you are going on a quest. Do you accept? " he asked bored out of his mind, like he looks like he doesn't even wanna be there.

  I don't know....What's it about.....Oh!  I WANT TO ASK THAT BUT.......I don't, at least not yet, have the desire to die.....

  " Yes." I answered my voice wavering with how nervous I was, mainly of the quest, but I still asnwer " I accept. " 

  " Great. You will be going to the pet land that Hecate created apparently her doing so as she did get her problems. Like how most of them cheat death! Never in my favor. Anyway, your quest is to go to the school....what was it? Hogtarts? Anyway your to go there undercover and find this person thingy...that is cheating his death....and to kill him. Or just steal his life and throw it down tartarus, understand? " he demanded...still bored, but this time he looks ready to just fall asleep right there, don't let that mislead you he's still powerful enough to blast you away to smithereens.

  " Uhhhh..... and who are these people that Lady Hecate has blessed? "

  " Wizards. " he answered bluntly.

Alright I know he's been under a lot of work since the war, a lot of pressure, but even that...How does the even make sense?....Father you've gone crazy!

"Hahah father, I did not know that you could joke like that. Honestly it's scaring me." I answered, unable to process the unbelievable information I was getting.

   " This is not a joke, It's true. Although I did think it was hilarious at first when I sensed that a death was cheated, but now... anyway! You are to go there tomorrow morning, Farewell. DO not fail me. " he said before he waved his hand as to tell me to go, and then everything vanished and I was back at laying on my soft, comfy bed.

  This is all so....so.....mad!!! Yet soo soft, just a wink of sleep would do....No! it's no time to sleep!  I don't think I could do such a thing!  UGH!!! I'll just sleep on it, and hope this is all just some weird dream......Father....You've gone mad.

   " Why me? Why can't it be Percy? I'm not even good at this sort of thing" With that I drifted to sleep.

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