Terrifying castle of ghosts

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Let's just say I didn't think that the quest would be such a terrible idea...but now you might say it's crazy?

What in Hades! ?!?! Why? Ghosts? This whole time I thought that right after these little demons died they would enter the all mighty after life...or dad's judgment hall.

" What? Why are all these ghosts here? " I asked curious to what my answer might be..

" Oh, them? Don't mind them they are just...friendly souls that wonder about,I guess. This is there home. " Hermione I think that's what her name was, said.

But they aren't supposed to be here! They will blow my cover! Oh my gods! What am I to do?

Suddenly the atmosphere changed to cold and all the ghosts began to form a line in front of me.

Well shit...there goes my head to all mighty hades, along with lady Hecate to enjoy.

Now that I look around me I see that all of the heartbeat have stopped.

They all bow as to show respect.

" My lord! We welcome you to our humble home."

" You are not permitted here! You are supposed to be dead, and in tartarus! Not here! Your most definitely not supposed to be in contact with mortals, specially! " I yelled.

They looked terrified as they try to defend themselves.

" W-We couldn't e-escape... please forgive us you highness! "

" I want you all to stop with the formalities towards me...I am here on a mission...or rather a quest from my father. ..but you will have to report everything that happens and had happened here to lord Hades.....that is all! You are excused! " as I finish my sentence everything goes back to the way things were before.....

Interesting. .....and yet such a crime! Does father know about this? Or did lady Hecate do this on purpose?

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