Questions Questions and even more Questions

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      So you know how the golden trio are always suspicious well...they and by they I mean the scrawny Percy look alike was following me all day in that invisible cloak thingy...and honestly I am annoyed.

I turned around and I felt him right in front of me, his breath shallow from all the running he had to do, you see, since I knew he was following me I wanted to kinda make him quit, but I guess that didn't work. Now did it?

" stalking people a thing for you? Cause like, I could buy you a dog to chase around." I asked showing all the annoyance in my voice.

He backed away and ran out...probably thinking how the hell did he see me!?! Well, we're not all blind...or deaf, did he even know how noisy he was? And how loudly he walked? Heck even a deft person would hear.

I continued to look over the castle and take notes of possible dangers...
    Does he even own a brain? Or is Hermoine all the brain for the three of them? Poor girl.

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