Chapter One

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Aspen's POV:

"We always dream that if our lives could restart at some particular point and change everything, then we could make everything completely different. But life is not a playlist of songs. We cant go back to the starting point anytime we want; we cant go backwards either. There is no pause button too. Things that have happened wont change. But I still wish like I have been wishing for the last five years that if I had the power "Chronokinesis", I could have you back."

I close my journal and look at the owl clock on wall. It says 7:15 am. Anytime, that irritating Matilda will be here. I don't like her damn formalities, "Miss Grey, tihs", "Miss Grey, that", "Have a nice day, Miss Grey", Urgh! Fuck you!

I am also a human like you, crazy woman. I told her thousand times not to call me Miss Grey, but she keeps calling me that. All of this is for my fucking father. He tells the stuff to keep on formalities. "You piece of s.."

I can't complete my sentence because of the double knock on the door.

"Miss Grey, may I come in?"

Here we go, bothering Matilda.

"Yeah,whatever", I casually say.

I watch her black and white formal dress clad plump figure carefully putting a tray full of pancakes and a glass of orange juice. Wait, what? Pancakes? Orange juice? What the devil?

"Seriously, Matilda? Pancakes?"

I don't take pancakes or orange juice in breakfast as they remember me of my mother. Where on earth is my cereal? And my black coffee? I see her body getting tensed. My temper was getting high. She says in a shaking voice, " Miss Grey, Mr Grey told me to give you pancakes and orange juice for today."

 "WHY TODAY? Why did he choose TODAY?"

"Its your mothers 5th Death Anniversary, Miss Grey."

I know it is today and that's why  I decide to keep my temper low. But I guess my fucking idiotic father doesn't want me to do that. Pancakes and orange juice on a day like this! What is he other than a blithering idiot? How is he the Principal of NYU with this brain?Only for him I'm not with my mother! Only because of his irresponsibility and ignorance!

"Where is he? I ask Matilda while getting my school bag.

"Miss Grey, I don't think this is.."

"Where is he, Matilda?"

 "Miss, sir is in the living room, but he is.."

I dont let her finish. I open my room's door with a bang and close it with a louder bang. When I reach the living room, I see him sitting on sofa, wearing a suit and talking to two guys of about 20.One of them looks really cute, but the other looks like a chicken hearted fellow only. I don't care. I'm here to yell at my father.

"Mr John Elliot Grey!" I shout out his name.

All of them get surprised hearing my voice and I see from the corner of my right eye the blue cardigan wearing timid guy scooting near the leather jacket wearing cute guy. What a man! My father opens his mouth to say something looking at me, but I stop him.

"What do think yourself? What is the meaning of sending pancakes and orange juice? Huh?"

Those boys look confused, especially the look on the cardigan's face is priceless. He better not pisses in his pants.

 "Penny, calm down. I just.."

I again interrupt him. I now hate him calling me Penny.

"Don't Penny me!  You know how important this day is to me. Still, you couldn't help yourself from ruining it. You just had to do this!"

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