Chapter two

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I furiously walk towards the classroom. Students don't dare come in my way. Why does everything get messed up when I want it to go well ? First my father, then Jake ! He doesn't talk to me. I just have noticed him staring at me sometimes. Whenever I stared back, he looked away. I don't have any desire to talk to him though. Okay, I admit he is pretty handsome, but I don't let boys to get to know me. A few weeks ago, a guy named Xander tried to kiss me and ended up with his nose fractured. Well, I got into a bit trouble. But Mr Gibson, my parents' old friend managed and Xander also wanted to let the matter go. I hate it when people use their powers for something like this, but I also didn't want any trouble. It could've affected my career.

"Can I come in?" I say casually to Mr Swan, our English Literature teacher. Well, he likes me mostly because of my academic performance. I don't give a shit who likes me or who doesn't. Everyone is temporary in life.

"Yes, Miss Grey. Please come in." Mr Swan answers with a smile. He is a kind bald man in his 30s, I guess.

I walk inside and take my usual seat in the front row. Students keep coming. They never stop gossiping and I am afraid their today's topic is my morning encounter with Jake. Who says that only girls do gossiping? The right seat beside me remains unoccupied. Well, it is good that on one..

"May I come in, Sir?" A new familiar masculine voice says and I start to wonder what new sin I did today.

"Yes, Mr Harrington, please." I forgot he is also in my Literature class. He walks inside and I keep praying that he doesn't  sit beside me. He walks towards me and takes the seat right beside me. Fucking awesome! He finds me gazing at him and sends a smug smile which I prefer to ignore looking back at my book. If he keeps smiling at me like this the whole class, I swear I will strangle him as soon as the class will end. The class settles in and Mr Swan's voice starts filling in.

" I guess we should start now. So, yesterday we studied on the classic masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice" written by  literary genius Jane Austen. And I do remember I told you all to write a detailed analysis on her view of marriage."

Hearing Mr Swan's words, everyone, obviously except me, cringes and starts making faces or pretends not to hear. I know these nincompoops very well. "So, would anyone like to share their work?"

My hand shoots in the air before I know. It must be because of long practice. Anyway, Mr Swan looks impressed like always.

 "Yes, Miss Grey." He says with a smile.

I start answering from my notebook in hand,

" According to Jane Austen, mutual attraction is the most important thing in a marriage. The main protagonist of this novel, Elizabeth Bennet is a true-hearten acolyte of her own endearment. She encourages Jane to pursue true love with Charles Bingley and has dissent of Caroline's notion of marrying someone only for his wealth and fortune.."

I kept going on and could feel Jake's eyes on me all the time. What the hell? I don't like being stared at by a boy. When I finish, I see happiness in Mr Swan's round face.

"Bravo! That was amazing and also expected from you, Miss Grey. And you, bunch of morons, should push your boundaries if you are wiling to pass. You will never succeed otherwise with your condition. Please sit down, Miss Grey."

I contently sit down. Jake whispers to me, " You were really....good"

I again ignore him. I can't forget easily what he said this morning. I can't just forget. And why is he talking to me now all of a sudden ?     The class goes on without anything special. The same analysis, lecture, homework and me, answering most of the questions. I don't see a point of not being proud of myself. 

When the class is dismissed, I walk out of the class towards my locker. My next class is AP Calculus. I need to be calm for this class. I always can work out every question within six seconds, but still I need to be calm to make sure I am enough attentive.

"Hey Aspen! Wait." I turn back only to see the dumb ass Jake calling me. Why on earth is he trying to talk to me? Did a poisonous bug bit him after our encounter ? I keep walking pretending I didn't hear him. I have no interest in engaging in a conversation with him. He stops me holding my hand gently.

"I know you heard me, Penny." I stand frozen. No one dares call me that,not at at least in school.

"If you don't want your hand broken, leave me, now," anger clearly visible in my voice.

"I t would be my utter pleasure to have my hand broken by you."

I mentally laugh at his choice of words. Does he read romantic books ? Nah! It has to be his playboy nature. Why am I even thinking about it?

"What do you want?" I finally say.

"Just five minutes to talk to you," Jake answers making puppy eyes.

Does he seriously think it will work on me? Is he fucking insane? Doesn't he have class? Does he even go to classes ? And most importantly, why is he suddenly taking interest in me? Is he already bored with Jessica? Well enough questions! I don't have time for his shit talking.

"Go to hell. I have classes to attend."

Saying this, I start walking again. Surprisingly and disappointingly, he doesn't say anything to stop me. Why am I even caring ? And why the hell am I disappointed ? I may once  have had crush on him. Urgh! Stop thinking!

As I keep walking towards my locker, I see other students' eyes on my back and they are all....laughing? What? What is on my back?

I stretch hand to my back and find a paper attached. What the hell is that? It is a yellow paper where in red ink is written,


I could feel blood rushing behind my ear. My hands are shaking and my face is the brightest shade of red. My blood is boiling in anger and for a moment I feel humiliation? What is happening to me today?

" Hey look, the stone queen fancies our homecoming king, wow! This is the most astonishing fact of this century. Hell, wow!"

I give this dorky boy a death glare and the colour from his fucking laughing face pales away. He tries to disappear in the crowd. I will take care of him later. But now, I can see everyone laughing at me. Something was written on the back of the paper too. I turn it and see,


It doesn't take time for me to understand the whole matter. That bastard knows how to get under my nerves.

"Jake Anthony Edward Harrington, you've called upon your death wish", I mentally hiss.

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