Dreamswap Dream x Emotionless reader

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Damn... It's come to this. Ok So I know literally NOTHING about this bitch but hey who cares if the story sucks it sucks. I mean look at this crap. I'll do my best. I literally had to read Dreamswap Wiki
Oh and the music I feel goes good with the story
Requested by:

sorry for not adding Yandere
And the Justice Reigns is Dreams group and Meme Squad Is Nightmares group. I'm just following What Wikipedia told me


I was casually walking in this Forest I found, I think 3 hours ago? Meh, I don't care. Still I walked a little more of what I think is East and then I saw saw the Justice Reigns chasing the Meme Squad. Huh. I decided to lean and a tree and watch this show go down. I mean it's obvious that Nightmare is gonna make a portal and then they'll be home free.

I saw Dream and Ink try and attack Nightmare, Cross, and Error. 'Man they were doing horrible.' Dream made sure everyone was positive and those who wouldn't be... let's just say we don't see them anymore.

Why I'm still alive I will never find out. I never had emotions. I was just a empty body with nothing to lose. I lost my Maw... She was positive but she had to give me up, My dad died when I was younger, and my Brother was taken for having a negative behavior.

I couldn't care less, heck I couldn't Evan care.

I just stood there watching from afar.
That was when I saw Dream turn to me, only a glance, Then I run away.

Maw told me, before she gave me up, that if any one from the JR(Justice Reigns) see me, that I have no choice but to run.

I guess you can call me a Neutral. And I'm fine with it except I don't wanna live in a world of all positive people. Hell, I don't know why I give a negative vibe maybe it's because  everyone is better...? That literally makes no sense

While I was lost in thought I trip on a rock. I went face first into the Floor. And I got a stick stabbed in my leg.

Wow this is the best day ever!😑

I heard footsteps heading this was it was only 1 person. But 1 person was enough to get me up a tree. I went to the middle branch to see who it was. Oh look at that it's Ink, Dreams right-hand man.

He was looking at the ground, that was covered in blood I look at my leg and it's bleeding hard. He looked in the tree noticing the blood trail. And the Reason he didn't see me was because the branches and leaves were enough to cover me up, until life had to be a bitch and my shoe fell.

It made a little thump as it hit the floor. He looked a little surprised then said "I know your up there, come down now and I won't call for backup" he seemed unsure and scared. That's how they usually act. He had his paintbrush as a defense Incase I tried to attack

I put my hands up in surrendered "Fine Fine" I jumped off the tree landing on my back. He ran over to help me. "Hey are you ok?" He asked concerned

I put a fake smile on and pressured my voice to sound cheerful. "Yeah, I'm Fine!" I tried to make my voice sound believable. "Are you sure? Your leg is bleeding and you probably have a scar or two from falling?" I didn't answer this time. I mean it was true but I actually forgot about it. "Y-Yeah it hurts a little..." Just play along a little more.

"Here let me look at it" He offered. "O-ok" I sat down and let him examine my leg. I grabbed a rock from behind me and...3...2...1

I banged the rock on his head..err skull?? knocking him out. I didn't do much damage since I didn't crack his skull but still. I looked around and when I decided the coast was clear I left without another word or care.

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