~•Chapter 4: Joining A Club•~

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Like usual, I ate lunch with Ayano. Nothing special happened, just like normal days. After school finally ended, I packed my stuff. I decided to join a club, since my friends really liked my drawings I decided to join the art club.

I went to Ayano to tell her about it
"Hey Ayano, I can't walk home with you today"
"Huh? Why?" She looked at me with a curious look
"Well, I was thinking of joining a club, would that be fine with you?"
"Yeah, I guess"
"Alright then, see you tomorrow"

I went to the art club and saw a red headed boi. He seemed to be the leader so I went to him, he had the smoothest voice I've ever heard (like, wth)

I was accepted and the redhead boi gave me a painter's smock

Before the club activities start I quickly ran to the sewing room to see if Hazu is still there

Luckily, he was. I rushed to him and said hi

"Hey Hazu!" He turned to look at me "(Y/n)!" Hazu said, sounding more comfortable with me than before.

"Why aren't you going home yet?"
"Well, I sometimes sew till teachers tell me to go home"
(He doesn't actually do this, but for the story's sake just act like he does)
He then notices I'm wearing a beret, he instantly knew I joined the art club
"So, you joined the art club?"
"Yeah, I should take off my scarf whenever we do club activities, or else I'll get paint all over it"

After I said that, he then examines my scarf, which made my face pink for some reason

"Is (f/c) your favorite color?"
I nodded my head, I then faced the floor since I don't want him to see me blushing
"Well, since you did that favor for me, I want to repay you" I then looked back at him
"How about I sew something for you?" he said with a smile "N-no! It's f-fine!" I stuttered like I have an illness or something "Come on, shorty" he said while caressing my right cheek
"Hey! I'm not that short!"
"You sound so cute when you're like that"
I my face got bright red after hearing him say this,

Did he actually think I'm cute??

"W-WHAT??" I said, trying my best not to stutter again but then failed
"You're getting even more adorable (Y/n)"
"You're torturing me Hazu"
"Even more cuter"
"HAZU!" I yelled "Alright! Fine" he then stopped caressing my cheek. He then said "You should go to your clubroom now, its almost time for club activities"

I just nodded and rushed to the art club. After about 3 minutes we started the club activities.

Since it was my first time, the club leader asked me if I could draw something, digital or maybe traditional. I chose digital because I suck at traditional. (lol same)

•~Later uwu~•

We finished the club activities and it was time to go home

While I was walking back home I saw Ayano and Taro. I decided to go talk to them. "Hey guys!" I said, which startled Ayano a bit. Ayano turned to look at me and then smiled, "Hey (Y/n), so the girl that Taro said he was gonna go to the movies with seems to be busy, Taro decided to go with us instead" She said, "What's she doing?" I asked, Taro then said, "I'm not really sure, I looked for her but can't seem to find her anywhere. Maybe she sent me a message about it but it couldn't be delivered" I nodded my head, it could make sense.

613 words

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