Chapter 18

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Light flurries of snow drifted onto the sandy clearing. The air was chilly, but there was little to no wind, so it wasn't terribly cold. 

For once, Iceslide was comfortable being in the RiverClan camp. He knew that on a snowy day like this, Violet would be inside, as would most of the other kittypets. There was no point going to twolegplace. He was sitting by the frozen reeds with Winterlight, sharing a trout with her.

"Shorestep, I'd like you to lead a hunting patrol," Frostedcloud was meowing from the center of the clearing. "Take Salmonstripe, Petalfin, and Perchstripe with you."

The sandy she-cat nodded, and Iceslide watched as she and the others left the camp. "You must miss fishing since the river's frozen over," He commented to his sister.

Winterlight sighed. "I do," She admitted. "I can't wait for new-leaf."

"Leaf-bare has barely even started!" Iceslide purred in amusement.

"Well it's been long enough for me!" She exclaimed, her eyes gleaming.

For the first time since any cat could remember, the elders den was empty. Last night, Shadepath had died of old age. The apprentices no longer had the duty of caring for the elder, but every cat could tell that they were saddened by the loss of the old she-cat. Even Darkpaw, who had always complained about having to remove her ticks, had grown quiet and seemed to grieve for her.

"Can we go do some battle training?" Willowpaw asked her mentor excitedly, her silver tail high in the air. "Please!"

Cherryberry hesitated, looking out past the reeds that lined the camp. "Why don't we wait for the snow to stop?"

"But it'll be funner in the snow!" Willowpaw insisted.

"Are you going for a training session?" Divetail crossed the clearing toward them, blinking warmly. "Can me and Darkpaw join you?"

"Oh, Divetail." Cherryberry looked embarrassed and let out a purr. "Yes, we were. Of course you can."

Beside her, Willowpaw rolled her eyes. "Now she says yes," She muttered. Across from her, Darkpaw snickered, also aware of the romance between their mentors.

As the four cats left the camp, Cherryberry keeping close to Divetail's side, Iceslide turned his attention to the nursery, where several cats were gathered.

Shallowpool had begun kitting not long ago. Maplesky and Otterpelt were in the nursery with her now. Shallowpool's mate, Dipfoot, was sitting outside the nursery, his tail flicking back and forth nervously.

Not far from them, Heartsong was sitting with her tail curled over her paws, her belly round. She had moved into the nursery, expecting Creekleap's kits.

"Heartsong!" The golden tabby tom raced over to her. "What are you doing outside?" He exclaimed in horror. "It's cold!"

The silver and white she-cat purred in amusement. "Creekleap, I'm fine," She purred. "Maplesky and Otterpelt needed room. A little snow isn't going to hurt me."

Creekleap reached out and rested his paw on her shoulder. "See, you're freezing!" He gently nudged her to her paws. "Great StarClan, our kits will be icicles when they arrive!" 


"Come on, we're going to the warriors den to my nest where you'll be warm," Creekleap insisted as he guided her toward the den. Heartsong let out an amused purr as they went inside.

A few moments later, Maplesky emerged from the nursery. Dipfoot raised his head sharply, and the medicine cat purred. "Congratulations, Dipfoot. You'd better go meet your kits." As he and Otterpelt left, Dipfoot slipped into the den.

"We have so many young cats these days," Lakesong purred from where she sat by the warriors den. Ravenfeather was with her. "Kits are great news for the clan."

"Yes," The black warrior agreed, narrowing his eyes at Winterlight. "To most cats, that is."

Iceslide's tail lashed in frustration. He cast a glance at his sister. He knew she'd heard him, but she was ignoring him. Ravenfeather glared at her for a moment longer, then snorted and continued talking to Lakesong.

He wanted a reaction, but he didn't get one. Iceslide thought, proud of his sister. He gave her a lick on the ear.

Winterlight blinked at him warmly. "It shouldn't be long before Coralshine moves into the nursery," She commented. "She and Blizzardfur have been together for a long time."

He saw his brother with Coralshine now. The two were laying together by the side of the camp. Blizzardfur's chin was rested on her shoulder, his eyes closed and content. 

"I'm happy for him," Iceslide murmured, and Winterlight nodded agreement.

A few moments later, Dipfoot emerged from the den, his eyes full of happiness. "Two toms and a she-cat!" He purred. "We've named them Thunderkit, Eelkit, and Ruskakit."

"Congratulations!" Lakesong purred, and several others joined in.

Dipfoot's tail was high in the air. "I-"


Everyone's attention snapped to the camp entrance at the yowl. Iceslide stood and stared in alarm as Shorestep limped into camp, followed by the rest of her patrol. The sandy she-cat's shoulder trickled with blood. Behind her, Salmonstripe had a cut just above his eye, and Perchstripe and Petalfin had scratches.

Shimmerstar emerged from her den, her eyes widening. She immediately shot over to her warriors. "What's happened?" She demanded as Frostedcloud raced to the medicine den to get Maplesky.

"We were attacked!" Shorestep spat, wincing as she sat down and licked blood from her shoulder. "Rogues!"

Maplesky and Otterpelt hurried over with bundles of cobweb. "Hold still," Maplesky began dabbing Shorestep's wound while Otterpelt went to Perchstripe.

"About five of them just came out of nowhere!" Salmonstripe shook blood from his eyelid, and Shimmerstar sniffed at her mate anxiously. "They attacked us and stole all the prey we'd caught."

"There are no serious injuries, thank StarClan," Maplesky sighed, looking at Shimmerstar. "We got lucky."

Cats surrounded the patrol, murmuring to one another anxiously. Iceslide stared at the wounded cats. Who could have done this? He refused to believe it was Bone Shred's cats. Trespassing and attacking were two different things, and the group never struck him as aggressive. 

"So Gladestar was right to warn us." Shimmerstar looked thoughtful. "We just need to stand our ground and show them that they're outnumbered and not welcome here." She turned to Frostedcloud. "Increase the patrols until we're sure they've gone."

The deputy nodded, but his attention quickly turned away from his leader. "Otterpelt? Are you alright?"

The medicine cat apprentice was hunched over a little ways away, her eyes wide as she trembled. "It's begun..." She whispered.

Maplesky stared at her. "Otterpelt, listen to-"

"It's begun!" Otterpelt wailed, startling every cat around her. "Oh, StarClan, save us!" She cried and raced to the medicine den, leaving the alarmed clan staring after her.

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