Going Home

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After the week and the flight, the family made their way back home and when opening the door, they were met with a dog jumping on them.

"Leo!" Lucas squealed and Leo tackled him.

"I guess they dropped him off." Lauren said and Camila shook her head.

"Or maybe my parents are here." Camila said and Lauren eyes widened.

"Oh hey, Mr. And Mrs. Cabello." Lauren greeted and they shook their heads.

"You got my baby pregnant again?" Alejandro asked and Lauren scratched the back of her head.

"Uh I think." Lauren said and they gave her a confused look.

"What do you mean by, I think?" Alejandro asked.

"We haven't took the test, yet." Camila said and Alejandro sighed.

Sinu put up her hand stopping Alejandro.

"I'm happy for you, Karla." Sinu said.

"Awe, thanks Mom." Camila said hugging her mother and Lauren looked in a different direction.

"Let's go watch the game, Jauregui." Alejandro said and Lauren nodded.

Lauren turned around.

"Help me." Lauren mouthed making Camila giggle.

"Let's go." Alejandro said grabbing her shoulder making her stumble.

"Okay Karla, let's have some fun with these two cuties." Sinu said and Camila picked up Lucas making Leo tilt his head.

"No, I'll be back Leo." Lucas said and Camila picked him up too making Lucas smile.

"I'll get the younger one." Sinu said and Camila nodded.

As Sinu picked up Lawrence, the Jauregui family smiled at them.

"Join us." Camila said and they walked in.

Chris went to sit with Lauren and Alejandro in which Lauren is grateful for. Taylor and Clara joined Camila and Sinu for the talk.

"So, since it's us girls, let's talk about pregnancy." Sinu said and Camila groaned.

"I'm only 17." Taylor said.

"Doesn't mean you can't get pregnant, sweetheart." Clara said and Taylor groaned.

"Wait, I already had him, why am I getting this talk?" Camila asked and Sinu gave her the look making Camila look down.

"I'm not saying anything for real, just the basics about being a Mom." Sinu said.

"And I am here to help." Clara said

"How many kids do you want, Karla?" Sinu asked and Camila shrugged.

"No more than 4." Camila said and Sinu nodded.

"2 more than?" Sinu asked and Camila shook her head.

"I will either have 1 well to late for that, 2 which is right now, 3 is a maybe, and 4 is rare." Camila explained and they nodded.

"What about you, Taylor?" Clara asked and she shook her head.

"Nope, not with that shit." Taylor said and Clara slapped her in the back of her head.

"No cursing." Clara said and she nodded.

"Hey yo." Lauren said taking a seat next to Camila.

"How many kids do you want, Lauren?" Clara asked and she shrugged.

"As many as Camz wants." Lauren said laying her head on Camila's lap.

"How about 4?" Sinu asked.

"More sex for me." Lauren joked and Clara smacked her with a pillow making Lauren flinch.

"Sinful child." Clara said.

"It was a joke, mother." Lauren said.

"What's sex?" Lucas asked and they looked at him with widened eyes, except for Lauren, Chris, and Taylor who snickered.

"I'll tell you later, buddy.  Look at Leo." Camila said and Lucas looked at Leo then smiled seeing him roll around so he did the same.

"Nice save, Cabello." Chris said and Camila rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Jauregui." Camila said.

"But you are an Jauregui." Chris protested and she groaned.

"Shoot, you're right." Camila said and they laughed.

They chatted for a bit until Dinah and Normani came over.

"Hello Cabello-Jauregui's." Dinah said plopping on the couch.

Normani sat on her lap and pulled a pillow over her lap.

"Hey guys, crazy thing happened." Lauren said.

"That is?" Dinah asked.

"Lucas asked what sex was and that is because I said the word." Lauren said and Dinah laughed while Normani rolled her eyes.

"Lucy should have never gave you her child." Normani said and Lauren sucked her teeth.

"Rude." Lauren said.

"Uh, who's cooking?" Dinah asked.

"Lauren and I's Mom." Camila said playing in Lauren's hair.

Leo came running and jumped on Lauren then Lucas did the same making Lauren yelp.

"Ouch!" Lauren said blocking her sensitive area because Lucas landed there.

"What happened?" Camila asked.

"He got me." Lauren said and Camila shook her head.

"I'm sorry." Lucas apologize and Lauren brushed it.

"It's fine." Lauren said sitting up and tackled Lucas.

"Oh, no that tickles!" Lucas cried and was laughing his ass off.

Leo wagged his tail and licked Lucas face making Lucas squirm. Lawrence came crawling in and Camila picked him up.

"I'm pretty sure he needs his diaper change." Camila stated and they nodded.

When Camila got back, everyone was playing on the game system.

"Hey guys, dinner will be ready in 40 minutes." Chris informed and they thanked him.

Lucas cuddled up to Leo and Leo fell asleep.

"They are so cute." Dinah whispered.

"Yup, I'm happy I found him because whom ever left him is a cow poop." Lauren said and they gave her a confused look.

"What?" Dinah asked.

"Sugar honey ice tea." Lauren said and they ohed.

"He is one of the best birthday gifts ever." Camila said and they nodded.

When dinner hit, Lucas feed Leo some food and they chatted around a bit.

"If it's a boy, what will you name him?" Clara asked.

"Cameron." Camila said and Lauren smiled.

"Is he your favorite writer now?" Lauren asked and she nodded.

"If you read it, you'll understand." Camila said and Lauren shook her head with a smiled.

"Oh Cameron, that kid in Waffle House?" Dinah asked and Camila nodded.

They laughed at jokes and chatted a bit until it was time for bed.

"Can I see your trophies again?" Lucas asked and Lauren pulled it out of her bag.

All 8 were lined up and Lucas smiled.

"I like this astronaut one." Lucas said and Lauren smiled.

"I do too." Lauren said.

A/N: Who won the MTV video music award? I'm kidding, that's the one when Lauren and Camila won together for the mini-movie...

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