Chapter 19

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Yesterday was a rollercoaster of emotions,from having a fever,to making out with taehyung and then crying your lungs out after discovering jimin cheating you to watching the stars and taehyung confessing to you.

It was kinda awkward when he confessed to you because he said he didn't care if you were a boy and he loved you while in reality you were a girl .

You heard a knock at the door and when you opened it you saw hoseok with jin,namjoon and yoongi.

"Want to come and eat lunch with us?"Jin asked

"Sure let me grab my things" You answered and grabbed your bag.

"Let's go."


You headed in the cafeteria and grabbed lunch as usual,you and the guys chatted and made your way on the table when you saw taehyung walking in the cafeteria with jimin.

When you saw them together you remembered yesterday's events and felt  a bit sad,as much as you want to talk to jimin and break up with him,you couldn't.

You were there as a boy if you were caught got knows what would happen...and after that scary experience with jimin you didn't want to mess up with him.

They boys waved at them and signaled  taehyung and jimin to come over to your table.

"Hey."Jimin said and you faked a smile trying  to act out as normal as possible.Even though you truly wanted to punch him and ask for held back.


"So how's it going?" Jin asked jimin and poked his shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Jimin looked over at jin not understanding what he meant.

"Come on bro" Namjoon said and smirked"Did you bang her?"

Bang her?

Oh...thats right

He banged a girl were there.

"Umm yeah." Jimin blushed.

"What are you blushing for dude?"Hoseok said and playfully hit his shoulder"Was she good?"

"Yeah she was perfect." Jimin laughed and took a bit from his food.

You looked down the whole time feeling disgusted by the conversation,not only he cheated on you with another girl but he talked about it like he just had won a trophy.

"Ehm...jimin?" You asked and he shifted his stare on you.

"What is it yoon?"Jimin asked and titled his head.

"How come a guy like you doesn't have a girlfriend."

Everyone looked at you and became silent.

" that I remember,didn't you have a girlfriend...what was her name...yo...ya"Jin tried to say your name but couldn't not remember until a  voice from behind him said.

"Y/N."You turned around and saw jungkook with his tray taking a sit.

"Now that you mention it...what happened to her?"Namjoon asked jimin who was silent.

His face became emotionless like the time where you were together.

"Nothing Happened." Jimin simply answered and continued eating.


Was he serious?

He cheated and pretended like he didn't have a girlfriend? WTF!

"Jimin don't tell me you are cheating on her!" Taehyung finally spoke up and caught everyone's attention.

"Jimin..."Yoongi finally spoke,although he barely talked he observed everything.

"What?"Jimin looked annoyed at this point,he looked like he wanted to get this over this.

"We talked about this...if you wanna go  and do it with another girl you have to break up with Y/N!"

"You can't do her like that my dude!" Namjoon spoke up"If you don't like her break up!Don't cheat on her."

"Okay i will gosh!" Jimin yelled and got u,before walking away he leaned and whispered in your ear.

"Don't meddle in other people's business or you will regret this."

What the fuck?

You watched him as he walked away and wondered if he was always this scary.

"Hey yoon everything okay?"Hoseok looked at you.

"Uhmm y-yeah." You reassured him"I gotta go."You said and quickly went away.

"Is everything okay with yoon?"hoseok asked the boys.

"Idk...he acts really weird lately."Jungkook answered.

"I wonder if something Happened that's bothering him."Jin wondered.

"Unless he talks us about it we can do anything." Namjoon said as he watched you walk away.

"I guess we will have to wait for him to tell us." Yoongi said and looked sincerely at you.

Taehyung got up from his sit and run after you without you realising.


"Gosh,fuck jimin!Fuck everything?" You yelled as you walked into the room.

You decided you needed to do something to get your mind off jimin.You decided to take a shower and  grabbed a towel with a change of clother and headed towards the showers.

Taehyung followed you from behind trying to see what was bothering you,when you walked out of the room he hid himself.

After making sure you didn't see him he grabbed a towel and followed you.


You were in the showers,you looked around to make sure no one was there and then undressed yourself.

"Finally freedom!" You said as you opened the corset and freeing your boobs.

You went in the showers and took a bath.

Taehyung was behind the walls with his hand covering his mouth.

"Y-yoon is a girl?"Taehyung asked himself shocked by his discovery.

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