Chapter 18

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Stars aligned

After a couple of minutes...they finished their job and left the rooftop
While they held hands and giggled.

You came out from the corner and watched them as they walked away,you stood there and finally broke down you fell on your knees and cried like there was no tommorow.

"Why?WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?WHY DID HE HAVE TO CHEAT ON ME WHEN ALL I WANTED WAS TIME...WHY COULDN'T HE JUST WAIT FOR ME TO BE READY!!!!!"You yelled at yourself and wondered if you were actually the one at fault.


You ditched taehyung because you felt that you were betraying jimin.Taehyung told you he was seeing others girls but you wanted to trust him but now...

You knew taehyung and lisa were right.


"Ehm...girl,you know he may be cheating on you right?"Lisa said but you denied.

"Tell your friend to break with him..."


"Cause he sees other girls."

End of flashback

They warned you

But your love for jimin blinded you.


After crying for hours you decided to go to the park near the college.You sat down and looked up at the stars that were on the sky.

You tried to get your shit together from everything.

You realised that things like that Happen in life,you were no exception
On the rule.

"I will just have to get over it..." You sighed.

"Get over what?"You heard someone say and turned to see who it was...

"Why you're here? "you asked him.

"Well after thinking about what I've done...I felt bad so I came to find you to apologize."He answered.

He moved closed and sat next to you.

"Were you crying?" Taehyung looked sad."omg...I'm so sorry..."

He wasn't the one to blame...the resson you cried wasn't because he kissed you but because you found out that your boyfriend cheated on you...jimin was the one who should be here and apologize.

Jimin just wasn't the right one for you,if he was he would have understood how you felt and waited but instead he decides to go to someone else.

He wasn't your true love.

"It's not your fault,something else Happened that made me realise how pathetic I am."You laughed at how pitiful you were.

"What Happened? "

"Nothing that you need to worry about."

"How can I not?You are making me worry about you." he replied you

"Because you feel bad or because you are pitying me?" You asked and he
Shook his head

"'s not like that"He looked down.

"Then why do you care so much for me?" You asked.

"Because..." He groaned frustrated "I don't know's weird I can't exactly put it to words." He sighed.


"Look I just wanted to tell you I am sorry and I won't force myself on you." He looked down and then you.

"Yoon I don't care if you are a guy or not but I like you...." He said and you looked at him shocked.

"Taehyung I..."You stumbled your words,you wanted to answer him but the pain from jimin was still so fresh.

You wanted some time to think about everything and move on...

"Look like I said I ain't going to force you to like me.Imma wait for your answer when you are ready."


"When what?"He asked.

"when did you start having feelings for me?" You looked at him

" first I thought it was my imagination but when I kissed you I confirmed my feelings."

You looked at him deep. "But I'm not gay"You said to hide your identity.

He turned to his right and faced you,he took your hand and placed it on his chin.

"I know...but I can wait for you to think about it. "He smiled"But I will make you fall for me."He winked.

"And if you don't succeed?'You chuckled a bit thinking how cute he looked at the moment.

"I will just have to give up." He smiled sadly.

You really wanted to tell him at that moment that you were a girl but you were afraid he would not accept you and tell you that you betrayed his trust.

"Let's see what Happens" You smiled and looked at the stars.

"Hey yoon." Taehyung called you.

"Hm?" You turned around to face him and he quickly pecked your lips.

"yah!what was that for?" You yelled at him and punched his shoulder playfully.

"What?Did I do something?" Taehyung smiled and pretended like he didn't do anything.

To be continued..

Girl In Disguise | Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now