Chapter 1

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Toph and Sokka were getting ready for a long awaited meet up with the rest of their gang. It had been 8 years since the end of the war and about a year since the whole group was together in one spot. Sokka and Toph were planning on meeting up with Aang and Katara first to have a meeting about Republic City.

Sokka was ready to go. It was exactly 1:00 and Sokka was becoming impatient waiting for Toph. "Toph, hurry up!" He whined across the house in the direction of their bedroom. "Ugh, what is she doing?" He asked himself as he started marching to their bedroom. He walked in, prepared to give a speech but looked on their bed to see Toph sound asleep. She looked quite cute, he thought to himself. Catching Toph asleep was a rare encounter, so Sokka was definitely bummed to ruin it, but they were running late (according to Sokka's schedule.)

He quietly stepped in making his way toward his sleepy wife. She looked so calm and peaceful, definitely rare for Toph... He made his way to the top of the bed where her head was, stroked her hair with his hand and said "wake up, slee-" Bang! Toph earth bended him across the room. "What's going on?" She said waking up alarmed. "We're late." Sokka said gritting his teeth so the annoyance wasn't too noticeable. "Well, why didn't you wake me up , snoozles?" She said as she got up and sprinted to the door. "Let's go, slow poke!" She yelled at Sokka, still recovering from his whack on the head. Sokka started mumbling something under his breath as he finally stumbled out the door.

They eventually arrived at their meeting place in Republic city. Toph and Sokka walked in and they were immediately greeted with a hug from Katara. Even though her baby bump was huge, she didn't let it get in the way of her greeting her brother and best friend. Sokka made eye contact with Aang across the room and he walked over chipper as normal. "Hey, Sokka, Toph." He said shaking their hands. "Zuko is running a bit late because of fire lord duties and what not, but he shouldn't be too long." Toph sighed. "What a surprise, sparky is late. Not much has changed after all." She laughed.

They barely had time to chat when a few officers ran in the room saying that a suspect for blood bending in the city had been spotted a few blocks away. They were very frantic as they asked their chief what to do. "At ease, officers. Team avatar can handle this one." she said calmly as she finished eating some appetizers in the meeting room. Sokka laughed "For old times sake?" He asked as he looked at Aang. "Alright then, lets do it!"

After Aang said goodbye to Katara, who was in no condition to go ramble some bad guy, he led the way to where the officers had said the man was spotted. Soon they laid eyes on a man who fit the description the officers had gave them.

They approached the man, Then Aang pointed his staff at him and yelled "you've got some explaining to do!" The man looked at them confused saying "what?" "Don't play games with us!" Sokka said as he pulled out his boomerang. "We've been told that you were caught blood bending here in republic city, when it is clearly illegal." Sokka said as his face got serious. Aang and Sokka didn't notice at the time, but Toph was starting to get sweaty.

"What? No! I never blood bended anyone. I'm not even a bender!" The man started trembling. "Please, it wasn't me!" Sokka wasn't buying it. "What, do you think we are stupid?" He looked at him seriously. Aang wasn't sure what to think. As Sokka was giving the suspect a good talking to, they heard a thump. Sokka looked behind him to see that Toph collapsed on the ground.

He ran to her immediately "Toph? Toph, are you okay?" He was panicking. He got up with fury in his eyes. "You did this!" He said as he turned to the man. "You blood bended her, didn't you!" Sokka went face to face with the man. You could see the steam coming out of his eyes. "No! I swear, it wasn't me." The man pleaded. Aang had never saw Sokka that enraged before, so he stepped in putting a hand on Sokka's chest trying to part him from the man. "Sokka, I don't think this was him." He said trying to keep the peace. "What do you mean?" Sokka yelled. "Look at her!" Aang's gaze went down to Toph on the ground. She looked so weak.

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