chapter seventeen ║ leaving for London

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chapter seventeen ║ leaving for London


I slam my hand on my alarm clock, immediately wanting it to shut the hell up. Today we are boarding on our flight to London at 12pm, and it is currently 8:43am. Wow, I can't believe this day actually arrived.

I climb out of bed and drink a full glass of water, make my bed, open my curtains, welcoming the sun to shine its rays into my room, and I march downstairs to check on my parents. Sure enough, they are drinking tea in the kitchen and gossiping.

Yup, they are definitely my parents.

"Hey guys," I say, smiling over at my parents. They look over at me and gleam. "Maya!" my mom shrieks. "Are you excited for your big day?"

"Mom, my 'big day' doesn't arrive until next Saturday," I say, smirking.

She rolls her eyes. "I know that. But it's coming up!"

I nod my head in agreement and sit at the dining table, getting myself a huge bowl of cereal. My parents and I have a huge conversation/checklist and making sure we got everything for the flight and the actual trip as well. Before the Haldi ceremony arrives Friday evening, we are going to tour London Monday- Thursday and basically enjoy the days before the wedding.

After I eat breakfast, I make myself upstairs and take a shower. I wear a shirt that says 'London Bound' and Nike shorts on the bottom. I comb my hair and take half of it into a loose bun. I apply some light makeup and look at myself in the mirror, making sure that I don't look ugly, which I do 95% of the time.

By the time I am finished getting ready, it is 10:20am. We are going to the Atlantic City International Airport with Ishaan and his family, and it takes at least 30 minutes to get there, from where we live. So we need to start leaving in about 10 minutes because there is no way in hell I'm going to be late.

Punctuality is my fucking middle name, man.

I go downstairs again and see that Ishaan and his family have arrived at my house and they are outside, loading their luggages into the back of our van. I look out my window and notice that Ishaan is wearing a nice Polo shirt and khaki shorts, and he has sunglasses on, guiding everyone to where they should put his luggage. 

I walk outside and Ishaan immediately smiles, walking over towards me. "Hey," he sheepishly says, stuffing his hands into his pocket.

"Hi," I squeak out. He takes a deep breath, and after a few moments of awkward silence, he says, "You look good."

"Thanks," I say, smiling. "So do you."

He scoffs. "This? This is nothing. You should see me at the wedding."

I sigh. "We will see."

I walk off and I can feel his eyes on me, causing my skin to warm at the touch of the feeling. Then, I help the adults with loading the luggage into the van. 

Once we are finally done, me and Ishaan climb into the front, him being in the driver's seat, and all the adults go in the back to finalize all the events and food and caterers for the wedding and whatnot.

Ishaan starts the van and pulls out of the driveway. I immediately bring the windows down since it is so fucking hot right now. Ugh, August in New Jersey is basically India in April, which is SO humid during that time.

As our parents go through a checklist, making sure that we have gotten everything for the flight, and the attractions we are going to view at London, and the shit we need at the wedding, Ishaan puts his hand on top of mine and rubs it.

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