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A week later♡

I have called it gotten a call from landon in a week and I'm not really worried about that kid, he is a grown mad and can do all him. I've started working and target and its bot that bad, its actually pretty cool I do restore on shelves and shit and it's pretty fun. I made a guy friends well he a fellow co-worker and he really funny but reminds me of landon a little, just the way he acts.

He is prett tall and his muscular as fuck, but he his pretty cute to, I think his name is like Dannis or something.

"Uhm, milana why are you just looking at the box, you know you need take the things out of the box and pit them on the shelves right" Dennis say waving his hand in front of my face

"Yes I know I was just thinking about something" I say pushing his hand away from my face

"Where you thinking of me?!" He says leaning against the shelve

"In you dreams, I was just thinking about an ex boyfriend" I say not wanting to say landons name

"What did he do to become your ex" he asked

"Uhmm" I thought for a minute "cheating, after saying he would love me forever, in Los Angeles," I tear went down my face and I wiped it away then went back to working

"Well I'll leave you alone I guess" he sets up and was gonna walk away but a grabbed his arm

"Your fine Dennis, not your fault" I let him go and go back to what I was doing, then I get tapped on the shoulder so I turn around "can I help you" I say with a smile

"Yeah uhm, me and my boyfriend are looking for the chip section" a blond headed girl say pointing to

"Oh, landon" I say under my breath and the girl looked at me confused

"What was that" she asked.

"I SAID! There right down that aisle" I point to the chips and she smiled again

"Thank you so much" she runs over to landon and pulled him to the chips while I looked away and cried

"Was that you ex" Dennis asked holding me to his chest

"Yeah" I say

"Then why are you crying, he is the one who is missing out" he says "uhm, I know this is weird but do you think you can come to my house after our shift I just wanna hang out for a little bit"

I look up and smile "yeah I'd like that alot"

He smiles and let's go of me finishing up his work as we moved along throughout the store.

After shift

"Yo, lana wait up" I hear Dennis yell behind me. I look back and see his fine ass running up to me

He catches up and we start walking to our cars "what time are you coming" I asked a I make it to my car

"Uhmm, how around I'll be there at 7:30" he says with a big smile

"Sure I'll be ready" I smile back

"You better be" he says and walked to his car

I was unlocking my car for and feel a touch on my shoulder so I look back

"Oh great" I say rolling my eyes

"Lana, I'm sorry" landon says reaching for my hand but I pull back

"WHY DIDNT YOU AT LEAST TELL ME LANDON" I yell pushing his hand away from me

"I know lana, and I was but then I had to leave and I didnt want you to be hurt" he says

"You didnt want me to get hurt, are you serious" I turn around and reach for my car door handle "but not telling me made it much more better"

I get in my car and landon is just staring at me " lana, your brother isnt doing well, and if you wont forgive me then at least fly to LA to be with him, he really needs you, he's with jacey and she keeps on feeding him drugs, saying a shes pregnant and all" he leaned down to me and sniffed "can you please fly with me to LA. He needs you"

I look at my keys that are in my hand and a tear falls down my face
My brother doing drugs,
Ki would never do that,
But then again he is with that whore.


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