Chapter 2 - Murder

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You ran out from Lux and straight to Dr. Linda Martin. She was your therapist for the past seven months, ever since the wings appeared. It was a bit of a run, but you didn't have a car, Kelly did and the run helped you think of what to tell Dr. Martin. You made it and knocked on her door, which opened.  

"(y/n), please come in. It seemed urgent." Dr. Martin said as you walked in and sat down. 

"It is. I was...was having sex with a guy and the wings came out and he saw them Dr. Martin!" You said, holding your self. Dr. Martin nodded. 

"Well, maybe he saw something that looked like wings. A glare from the sun or a passing car." Dr. Martin said. Yuo shook your head. 

"No. We were to high for that." You said. She didn't believe you but you understood why. who would? 

"(y/n), you know the wings are a figment of your imagination. Maybe you had a nightmare of someone seeing your wings, something that is common with these kind of things." She said. You shook your head. 

"No. This just happened. Please Dr. Martin, Linda. You have to believe me." You said. 

"(y/n), You started to see these wings seven months ago. You have tried medication but that doesn't work. Maybe you want these wings, which is why your seeing them. Maybe, just maybe, your putting yourself on a pedal stool. You want to be a better person and seeing your self as an angel is your way of doing this." Linda said. You stood, tears in your eyes. 

"Your wrong. These wings have ruined my life Dr. Martin. I feel like I'm going crazy." You yelled. Linda looked at you. 

"(y/n). What would you like to hear?" Linda asked. You looked at her before you sat. 

"That I'm not crazy. That the wings I'm seeing is just from a dream I'm in or that i'm in a coma." You said. Linda nodded. 

"You know that's not true. Your not crazy (y/n). Your not in a coma or a dream. Your mind is making you believe you have wings for something. Maybe it's a sign to start something new." Linda said. You nodded but you knew that wasn't true. The wings just appeared out of thin air and made you freak out.    

"OK." You said and stood. 

"Thank you for seeing me." You said and left. You heard Linda call your name but you didn't want to stay. You took your phone out and called your work, letting them know you were going to be working from home. They understood and you sighed as you hung up and walked home. You looked behind you, seeing the wings. You saw people walk right though them but when you reached, you could feel them. You shook your head and ran back to your apartment but once there, you saw cops. 

'Whats happening?' You thought and walked up to one of the officers. 

"Excuse me, whats going on?" You asked. He looked at you. 

"please stay back." He said but you looked behind him and saw cops going in and out of apartment 1-C. Your apartment. You eyes grew wide and you ran past the cop, who was yelling at you. You ran in and gasped, covering your mouth as tears started to fall. Kelly was on the ground, arms tied above her head and throat slit.  

"Kelly!" You screamed but one of the cops grabbed you and started to drag you back. You tried to fight it but he was strong when a women's voice stopped him. 

"Hold on. Are you the room mate (y/n) (l/n)?" She asked. You looked seeing a women. You nodded. 

"I'm take her. (y/n), My name is Detective Chloe Decker and i have some questions for you." She said. You looked at Kelly.

"Who did this?" You asked.

"We are finding that out. Can you please come with me down the the station so i can ask you some questions?" Chloe asked. You looked at her and nodded. 

"Anything if it helps." You said. Chloe nodded and helped you to a police car. You sat down and started to cry again. How could this day get any worse?    

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