Chapter 3: Train

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"Oh you wish! By the way, I can still hear you Y/N." The voice came from outside of the door again.


You were ultimately shock.

What the actual fuck? Should I be surprised at the fact that he knows my name or THE FACT THAT HE COULD HEAR MY THOUGHTS?

The door suddenly opened.

"I see you're done on time. You won't be punish but unfortunately, due to your disrespectful thoughts, you will be given a punishment." He walked closer.

"What are you even trying to sa—"

"You were supposed to serve me next week but since you have a punishment, you'll have to serve me in the next three days." He smirked.

You gulped.

Good job, Y/N you just got yourself in troubles.

"Yeah, good job." He said.
Your eyes widened, still not used to him hearing your thoughts.

Ugh, I need to stop talking in my head.

He raised his brow.

You stopped thinking as you're afraid that he might hear it again.

He sighed.

"Jess, take care of her. I needed her to be train by three days." He turned his head around, stretching it.

As Jess walked in, he walked out.

"It's time for your training, Miss."

You nodded as she leaded the way. You followed her, scanning the place as you walk by.


"I think I found the one." Jungkook said.

"Okay? another misunderstanding again? You also say that last time; when in reality, that bitch Hailey just wanted to tricked you into releasing him." Hoseok said.

"My powers proved it." Jungkook said.

"Don't tell me you—"

"Yes, I was able to read her mind. What the book said was actually true!" Jungkook raised his voice.


"So how many masters are there here? What are their names? Oh, and do they have abilities?" You started bombarding her with questions.

"There are 4 masters here. His majesty Jeon, Master Taehyung, Master Jin, and Master Hoseok. Master Hoseok is cheerful and friendly. He has the ability of being a quick witted. He has never gotten tricked. He's really smart with figuring out your tactics and you can never lie to him, he can definitely tell. Master Taehyung has the ability of water. Master Jin doesn't have any abilities but he could know if a person was in contact with Ponistians, whether they were around them, near them or touched them." She explained.

"But he's a Master, isn't a master supposed to have an ability or something?" You asked.

She then pulled you closer and whispered.

"You will hear rumors that he used to have it, but he lost it because he offered it to the Ponistor King. People said that he drank a magical drink given from the Ponistor King to give them his powers. Now I personally don't believe in rumors but I used to peak in a history record book, and it says that Atlantis Empire's former king used to be closed friends with the current Ponistor Empire's king. But as you can see, they are now banned from this empire. So I think they might had a big argument in the past or something. Maybe because they were mad that Master Jin gave the Ponistor King his powers so they're now banned? Again, it's just a rumor. I was not really told much about what had happened. Atlantis Empire used to be such a cheerful and successful empire, not the same as nowadays, terrifying." She shrugged her shoulders.

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