Chapter 22: Spy

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Why did you make me do that?

You smiled.

"That's his weakness sweetie, he'll die before Hoseok reach him."

What are you talking about?

"He has the same weakness as his father."

"Heartbroken is his weakness."


Ponistor King then exited your body.

"My job is done, time to take over Atlantis." He smirked as he then got into the water.

He looked back at you that was standing on the beach.

"Oh, and just forget everything, even if you come back, you can't change anything anyway. Thanks for being my key to success." He started laughing then dived into the ocean.


You dropped yourself on the sand as you lost hope in everything.

"I did this, I killed Jungkook and ruined Atlantis. Maybe I should've die back then." Tears started rolling off your cheeks and before you know it, you broke down and started crying.


You then decided to go to the police station and reported everything to the police. Your dad's crimes and what he did. Several days later, the investigator found several leads that proved your statement was true. You took several lie detector tests and it seemed like you weren't lying. The judge didn't take long to jailed your father.

You saw him one last time before he went inside the police's car.

"You little bitch, I'll kill your ungrateful ass next time! I will kill you with my own hands!" He screamed as your face never showed any reactions. The police quickly pushed him in the car, you then walked away.


"Mom, you're saved now."

Your mom started crying as she then pulled you in a hug.

"Where have you been?"

"I-I ran away."

"Don't you ever do that again. I don't want to lose you too."

"You won't mom, I'm back....forever."


The End

A/N: Lol just kidding😂 okay, okay, I'll stop💀


You laid on your bed as your head tilted to the side staring at the Bist in your flower vase.

Tears started dropping from your eyes. You had it in your hand but couldn't save him. You wanted to forget everything and move on but you couldn't. You wanted to go back to Atlantis but you thought you'll only make things worst. After everything that happened, you cried yourself to sleep every night. There was not a single night where you could stop thinking about him. Your heart ached badly, you miss him. But all you could do was staring at the Bist flower.

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