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6 Months later....
So it's not even 6 months into the relationship and I knew that something wasn't right.
I noticed that my friends and my sister are not speaking to me anymore and it makes me sad.
I don't know what made them turn against me and cut me out of their lives like that but whatever it is they are all ignoring me.
Jackson got jealous when I was talking to Enzo and Sami on separate occasions.
Jackson gets jealous when I'm on my phone to my friends, I didn't understand why he got mad every time one of the girls invited me to a party, he always used to rip up paper invites and decline internet ones on me it made me sad.
Jackson clearly can't trust me, yes Enzo and I used to have feelings for each other but since he's dating Liv Morgan and I'm dating Jackson we have put our feelings for one another aside and Jackson still thinks I like Enzo the way I used to.
Jackson has accused me of cheating on him with Enzo which I'm not happy about because Enzo hasn't spoken to me since 2 days after mine and Jackson's relationship was official and that was months ago now.
I have noticed something really bad about Jackson, every time I was on my phone or whatever I did that made him angry he lashed out at me and one of these days he got so mad that he started to become violent in the relationship.
Jackson: "Who's Eric Arndt?"
Me: "A Friend, why?"
Jackson: "What's this text message all about then?"
Me: "....."
Jackson: "I will read it out to you shall I? Hi Love, haven't talked in awhile, wanna meet up with me and Cass at Starbucks? And who's Cass?"
Me: "Another Friend..."
Jackson: "Don't you EVER GIVE ME THAT TONE AGAIN!!!"
(Jackson attacked me at this stage)
That night I was left on the floor half dead, I was down, beaten and bruised and I think that was the hardest I ever cried in my life.
I shouted help every time he hit me but no one came, he told me if I reported it to the police then he would turn the story to his advantage and say that I was the one beating him and it's self defence and that made me feel trapped for the next 6 months.
A year after dating, I did report it to the police and there was witnesses as to what happened and Jackson was later arrested, he told me when he gets out of prison he will kill me and the police could use this as evidence, he's behind bars now and I'm still lonely.
I have no Friends or Family to turn to now they cut me out of their lives, if I told my friends that I broke up with Jackson then I don't think they would believe me and really they should but I don't think they will but the evidence is on my face and I would never be believed at this stage now, my life is practically over thanks to Jackson.

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