Platform 9 & 3/4

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I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS: J.K.Rowling is the owner, this is just a fanfiction story by a huge HP fan =D

Hello! This is the start of the Fan Fiction 'A Man Can Change - A Draco/Hermione Story. It is completed, so there is no need to worry about waiting for me to upload. Thank you very much for reading, and if you want to share anything, feel free to comment!  

PLEASE READ: Thanks for everyones wonderful comments. I am aware of the POV changes through these first few chapters, and I am working to mend them. Thanks :)

22 Jul 2012: I have started editing, long time readers may notice some changes. For the better i say. - ImaginaryKrystal


The brick wall between platforms nine and ten in Kings Cross Station was the same as any other brick wall. The brown bricks were the same as any other. The occasional poster would be placed upon it, advertising something that the busy commuters would ignore, just like any other brick wall.

      But this wall was different in a way, different in a way that no one could even to begin to imagine, that is unless you were a witch or wizard. For every September the first, this wall would become a walkway onto platform nine and three quarters. But no one would notice its transition from being a plain brick wall to being walkway, because non-magical people didn’t know about it.

      The only odd thing to their eyes on this day every year would be the sudden burst of oddly dressed people pushing along trolleys, with trunks full of clothes and cages holding owls, toads or cats.

      Today’s date was September the first and all of this was happening. Trolleys zoomed through this platform barrier and non-magical people, more commonly known as muggles, were not noticing a thing. Those few who did, dismissed the thought and simply told themselves they were imagining things.

      A family of flaming red-heads often passed through this barrier every year, a large family they were, but this year there were only five of them. Closely following beside them was a bushy-haired young woman proudly wearing a Head Girl badge on her robes, although given the circumstances she wasn’t as happy as she wished to be. Next to her was a young man with messy black hair, piercingly green eyes, round spectacles and a lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

      No muggle took much notice of this boy, just to the oddly dressed redheads in front of him and for this he seemed was glad. But the bushy-haired girl knew once he crossed over the barrier he would receive the normal commotion he always got in the wizarding world these days. Passing her eyes over him, she noticed a slight trace of worry washed over his face.

      She knew he was worried about the attention they were about to receive, for even she would be receiving this attention along with one of young red-haired men in front of them. They were the Golden Trio, and no one would ever forget what they had done. They would be in history books until the very end of time.

      “It’s going to be okay Harry. We will just deal with it how we always do.” Hermione smiled sweetly at Harry who merely shrugged back to her. Ron Weasley, the third member of that trio turned his trolley around and started walking on Harry’s other side.

      “Yeah it will be fine mate, besides most of those people in there helped out in the Battle of Hogwarts so they won’t make too much of a fuss.” Hermione hoped that Harry would see the point Ron made but he seemed to be in his own little world. Ron just looked over Harry’s head as much as he could and gave Hermione a look that said ‘I tried my best’.

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