Tough News

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I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS: J.K.ROWLING OWNS THEM. This is just a fanfic writtne by a huge HP fan.


“I’m not so sure about this now. Your friends will gut me, throw my body in the forbidden forest and leave it for some Werewolves to devour on the full moon.” Hermione stood in front of the doors to the Great Hall where they were about to walk in for dinner.

      “Where’s your bravery?” She asked him slyly.

      “I’m a Slytherin, not a Gryffindor. We tend to be cowards rather than arrogant brave celebrities.” She knew he was talking about harry, but let it slide as she too knew that they weren’t going to take their new relationship very well. Hermione and Draco had skipped lunch today, mostly due to the snogging they were doing, but also because they wanted to discuss how to tell Harry and Ron about not only the resurrection stone, but also their relationship.

      But now they were standing outside the hall where dinner was being served, a little more than nervous to walk in there together holding hands. She thought perhaps they shouldn’t be holding them, but they had discovered that their robes were long and baggy enough to cover their clasped hands, so it would look like they were just walking close together.

      “Look, we will go in there as discussed. You will sit next to Ginny and Neville as per usual and I will sit in between the boys so nothing looks out of the ordinary. We will tell Harry that we need to discuss something about a portrait, and he should be able to catch on. Then we will just drag Ron with us.” He nodded at their plan as she finished talking.

      “Man, if Harry overreacted this morning at something that wasn’t true, surely Ron’s going to go nuts once he hears that the girl he’s in love with is going out with his enemy.” Hermione rolled her eyes and nudged him in the arm.

      “I told you, Ron isn’t in love with me. We split up months ago and it was mutual.” Hermione growled ever so slightly.

      “That’s what you think. Besides, he’s got competition now and I’m not letting you go one bit.” Hermione felt Draco drop her hand and snake his arm around her shoulders for a small side hug before engulfing her small hand in his large one once more. Then, whipping his head around the corridor a few times to see if they were alone, Hermione was dragged off to the side where his lips fiercely engulfed her face. The kiss was hot and intense, just as she had discovered she liked it.

      They stood there kissing for about five minutes before he pulled back and grinned.

      “If I snog you for too much longer, those lips are going to be even redder than they are now.” He traced his fingers over her top lip and she suppressed a shudder.

      “Yours are the same you know. Well, let’s go then.” The doors opened for them and they walked in as casual as can be, trying to look normal. They had also discussed that if anyone asked, then they would just tell the truth.

      Walking down between the tables, Hermione could see the glares of some Gryffindors still meeting Draco’s eyes as he walked with her down their table. They considered him to be an enemy on their home base and weren’t happy about a Slytherin sitting with them, even after all this time with him sitting with their group.

      Hermione smiled inwardly as she saw Luna fluttering her fingers in a wave directed at Neville who was returning one accompanied by a huge grin. They had been so perfect together so far, and she hoped it be the same for her and Draco. Hermione noticed down at the Hufflepuff table that Hannah Abbott was glaring at Luna and looking longingly at Neville.

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