Loving You is Right

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I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS: J.K.ROWLING OWNS THEM. This is just a fanfic written by a huge HP fan.


Hello! So the chapter is finally here, and as you can guess by the warning, someone gets it on. Please i urge you not to report this story or anything rash such as that as i do not wish for my story to be removed from wattpad. It has been such a joy writing for you all and i hadn't really planned on sex scenes but alas, i have come to one. So if i were to be kicked off, i would be extremely hurt and sad. Also (just a little test) if you have read this before reading my new chapter, in your comment leave the word "HIPPOGRIFF" at the end. I would like to thank you all for being such wonderful readers and its exciting to see new and old readers joining our Dramione adventure! This weeks dedication goes to the person who absolutely positively guessed correctly, what would happen concerning the tattoo/bracelet. Thanks again and happy reading!


“Hermione dear, before you get on that train, may we have a word with you?” Mrs. Weasley asked after her farewell of Ron, Ginny and Harry. Mr. Weasley was still waving to his children as they boarded the train. Surprisingly, they had made it with a half hour to spare, so she wasn’t too worried about having a quick chat with them.

      “Sure Mrs. Weasley. What’s this about?”

      “Well Molly and I received a letter on Boxing Day, which we never told you about. In fact, we received two and they were both of some shock to us.” They must have seen the concern in her expression as Mrs. Weasley carried on after her husband.

      “Oh no dear, the shock wasn’t of anything bad. In fact, this is quite lovely actually and we wondered if you had anything to do with it.”

      “I don’t understand. Who is the letter from?”

      “The first one is from young Draco. It was a three page long apology letter for all the wrong he has ever done or caused for our family. It was quite touching dear, brought tears to Molly’s eyes and swelled up some emotion in this old chest here.” Mr. Weasley knocked his chest as if he were knocking on a door. “We didn’t bring it with us today as it had some personal information on it, but we wanted to know what you thought. Do you believe he would be genuine in sending us a letter of such emotion?”

      “Well I certainly didn’t have anything to do with it, that’s for sure. I didn’t even know he was going to do something of such. But if he has done it, I can tell you it is 100% genuine. He doesn’t do things to get a laugh these days. The War changed everyone, as they do. As you can see his prejudices that were once there are no longer in existence, for if they were he would not be with someone like me, because of my being a muggle-born.” She spoke the truth, as she knew if he had done this there was no lie behind it, and he wouldn’t hurt Hermione’s wizarding family like that. Not anymore.

      “That was one thing that came up in the letter, his being sorry for saying horrible words to do with Blood Status. He actually said that if he still used such ridiculous words, he would be proud to call himself a Blood Traitor and that being with you has been the best thing that’s ever happened to him.” At her words, Hermione’s eyes filled with tears. She was happy with him too, but to know that she was the best thing that had ever happened to him just made her want to cry.

      “What...what was the second letter Mrs. Weasley?”

      The old married couple looked at each other then across the station. Hermione turned to see Draco fare welling his Mother and boarding the Train behind Harry, Ron and Ginny, to whom he had just greeted.

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