Chapter 6: A New Type of Machine Part 2

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In Ash and Serena's house, their kids; Jim and Amy, still sat on the blue couch. Listening to their parents in the chair across from them.

Ash began, "Now kids, your uncle Yuya was in quite a pickle. Things were looking hopeless for him. It would be impossible to escape this scenario!"

Jim noted, "But he did. Uncle Yuya, and all of our other aunt and uncles involved in this battle your retelling are alive. They not only told you about the story, but we saw them just last week. So they are alive, they exist still, meaning they either beat or survive the enemy they were fighting."

Amy added, "Yeah, dad. If you're telling a story from your past or the past of someone we know, then there's no real suspense. We know these people, so we know they make it through."

Serena laughed, "Look, kids, if there's one thing I and many others learned from traveling with your father, it's not about the destination, but the journey." She smiled, "We all know how many your times your dad lost a Pokemon League."

Both laughed too, with Jim saying, "Yeah. Some of those adventures in the other Regions were fun, even though the ending was always the same predictable one, dad loses!"

Ash frowned at this, but Serena kissed him and brought his smile back, while saying, "Were only teasing you, dear."

Ash smiled a little and said, "Yeah. And you got the major point of the story. It's not about the conclusion, but what the people do before the conclusion."

After they calmed down, Amy nodded, "Alright, we're ready for the rest, now that the nitpick is out of the way."

Ash began to say, "So Yuya was still battle the remaining Ghost robots."

Serena added, "He never told us how he survived for so long, but we think it's because he's embarrassed to say he had to spam Action Cards to survive for so long."

The couple laughed, with Ash saying, "But in that case, he shouldn't be, because he was outnumbered and being ganged up on, with the robots taking turns immediately after each other."


Yuya continued to ride his Runner and Duel the Ghost robots, now down to just 8.

Yuya vs 8 Ghosts:

The progress of the Duel since the previous chapter is not shown. Ghosts #16, 17, and 25 have been eliminated. All the Ghosts control an Ally Salvo in Attack mode. Ghost #18 also controls DNA Transplant having declared LIGHT attribute for its effect. Yuya controls no cards, has no cards in his hand, and has 600 LP.
Ghost #26's Turn: Ally Salvo attacks directly (Yuya LP: 600 -> 200).

Yuya's Turn: Yuya activates Magician Manipulation. As it is the only card in his hand and he controls no other cards, he draws one card for each card his opponent controls. However, he must reveal them to his opponent and all cards he controls will be Banished at the end of this turn. Yuya draws and reveals Pendulum Storm, Performapal Trump Witch, Monster Reborn, Stargazer Magician, Xiangsheng Magician, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Gap Power, Polymerization, and Performapal Elephammer. Yuya activates Trump Witch (PS4) and Xiangsheng Magician (PS8) in his Pendulum Zones. Yuya Pendulum Summons Stargazer Magician (1200/2400), Elephammer (2600/1800), and Odd-Eyes (2500/2000) from his hand, and Performapal Drummerilla (1600/900) from his Extra Deck, all in Attack mode. He then activates Monster Reborn to Special Summon his Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon (2500/2000) from his GY in Attack mode. Yuya then activates Polymerization, fusing his Odd-Eyes and Drummerilla to Fusion Summon Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (3000/2000) in Attack mode. He then activates the effect of Stargazer, which allows him to Special Summon exactly 1 Pendulum Monster he controlled that left the field. He Special Summons Odd-Eyes from his Extra Deck. Yuya then activates the Pendulum Effect of Trump Witch, letting him Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster by using monsters he controls as the Fusion Material Monsters. Yuya fuses Odd-Eyes and Stargazer to Fusion Summon Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (3000/2000) in Attack mode. As a LV 5 Spellcaster-Type monster was used as its Fusion Material, the effect of Rune-Eyes lets it attack 3 times during each Battle Phase. He then activates Pendulum Storm, which allows him to destroy the monsters in his Pendulum Zones and then destroy a Spell or Trap Card his opponent controls. Yuya destroys Trump Witch and Xiangsheng Magician in his Pendulum Zones and then destroys DNA Transplant. Yuya activates Gap Power as his opponent's LP are higher than his own, increasing the attack of a monster he controls by half the difference between his own LP and his opponent's until the end of the Battle Phase (Rune-Eyes: 3000 -> 4900). Rune-Eyes attacks and destroys 3 Ally Salvos (Ghost #18 LP: 4000 -> 0, Ghost #19 LP: 4000 -> 0, Ghost #26 LP: 4000 -> 0). Beast-Eyes attacks and destroys Ghost #20's Ally Salvo (Ghost #20 LP: 4000 -> 1400). As Beast-Eyes destroyed a monster by battle, its effect activates, inflicting damage to Ghost #20 equal to the original attack of the Beast-Type monster used as its Fusion Material, meaning 1600 (Ghost #20 LP: 1400 -> 0). Dark Rebellion attacks Ghost #21's Ally Salvo, with Yuya finding and activating the Action Card Double Attack (Action Card), doubling the attack of Dark Rebellion (2500 -> 5000). Ally Salvo is destroyed (Ghost #21 LP: 4000 -> 0). Elehammer attacks and destroys Ghost #24's Ally Salvo (Ghost #24 LP: 4000 -> 1800). During the End Phase, all of Yuya's cards are Banished due to Magicians Manipulation.

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