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Anastasia sits on a deteriorating log that rests amongst wet sand. It's a cold night, she's done up her baby blue blouse. Things were good, they brought back a lot of money from the bank in Valentine. Dutch was pleased, pleased enough that he came crawling into her tent last night. Despite being in his early 40s, his capacity to be pleasured was insatiable. Sure, the two of them didn't take long to figure out that they liked each other, but something more than that was developing, even though neither of them is aware. The nights they spend together bring them physically and mentally closer. Dutch opened up about his mother to Ana, he told her how she used to beat him as a child, how she was insane and stubborn to her core. Ana listened with bated breath as Dutch confessed he wished his mother hadn't lived as long as she did. He claimed her death was god showing her mercy at the end of her dreadful life.

And then there was John. Their relationship differed quite a bit from the one between her and the notorious leader. They haven't even slept together yet. Ana figured that he's holding onto his last bit of pride, considering how close they'd come to sex several times now. It's a funny thing, a man's pride, it can be so resilient until it comes crashing down in one moment, Ana thought to herself while contemplating her relationships. Or maybe it breaks down over time, like the log she's sitting on now. It once stood tall but now is a shell of its former self. She prays that won't happen to John or Dutch. They're good men, she hopes she doesn't turn them into something else. Right there and then, Ana made a promise to herself, that she'll do anything to help keep them on the right path, even if she has to die for it. They deserve better than the life they were given.

Ana takes a long breath before she stands, lifting the wanted poster with her father on it out from her bag, along with a carton of matches. She lights it on fire and drops it to the ground, watching it burn. If her father was out there, she figured there's no point in chasing him. Fate will bring them together if that's what's meant to be. Her moment of self-reflection ends when Arthur joins her side, wanting to provide some friendly company to the girl seeking solitude. The thing about Arthur, he knew when he was wanted. He was never one to hover.

"Let me guess, you're out here, looking at the lake and burning something, so you can try and figure out how to solve the world's problems. Am I right?" he asks like his typical sarcastic self.

Ana stays silent for a moment, staring at him for a long time. She squints her eyes, playfully challenging her friend. Arthur puts his hands up and backs away in defeat until she suddenly bursts into a sprint, tackling his side and jokingly hitting his stomach. 

He starts laughing hard as he tries to mess up her hair with his hands. "No way I'm letting you win this girl!" Arthur says joyfully. He tosses her easily over his shoulder, she starts squirming and hitting his back, pretending to scream in fear as tears caused by laughter blur her sight. The rest of the gang watch from the edge of camp with amused looks on their faces. 

"Arthur no! Not the lake, anything but the lake. I'll shine them fancy-looking boots of yours for a month!" she shouts, her cheeks red as Arthur moves to the end of the dock. 

"Aw did you just call my boots fancy? Now you ain't getting out of this for sure." 

And with that, Arthur tosses a screaming Ana into the water. She holds her breath and stays down for a few seconds, thinking it'll cause Arthur to look into the water to make sure she doesn't drown. She bursts out from the surface and grabs Arthur by his collar, causing him to lose his balance and fall in with her. Ana grins at the sound of Dutch laughing. Moments later, a beaming Arthur and Ana splash one another playfully, Lenny, Sean and Javier kick off their boots and join in on the water fight. Bill follows and does a rather impressive cannonball. Everyone is content at that moment, even an angry-looking Molly can't spoil their fun. Although that doesn't stop her from mumbling insults to herself. During moments like this, Ana knows she still has a family.

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