A Night Away

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"I'm tired of waiting! Been waiting two days, Ana. I want my boy back now or I'll... I'll kill that Bronte fella myself." Abigail was pacing aggressively, gripping the fabric of her worn-out skirt when emotion overpowered her ability to speak.

Anastasia had been attempting to comfort her, but it was all to no avail. They had been gone for some time, although she didn't think there was a legitimate reason to worry. Dutch has an insurmountable talent for talking his way out of a problem and this wasn't going to be any different, she was sure of it. It was a rare occasion that John and Dutch were both absent from camp at the same time. Ana often tried to occupy herself with tending to Abigail's sporadic panic attacks, so she's wasn't left uselessly awaiting their return. She'd wanted to go with John so very badly, but something told her he needed to do this by himself. He was finally stepping up to his role of a father, she admired him deeply for it.

"You just need to take a seat. They'll be here in no time, I'm sure of it..." It felt as if some sort of unearthly force had granted Abigail a wish when Bill announced the arrival of John, Dutch and Arthur. That, or God was tired of the mother's sobs, so he brought Jack back to her at that moment to silence her. Nevertheless, their arrival couldn't have been more perfectly timed.

Abigail raced over to her son as if her life depended on it. It was an undeniably heartwarming moment to witness as she embraced the small figure. "My son! You brought me back my son! Dutch, Arthur, thank you.... thank you" Her words were unsteady as her bottom lip visibly quivered. It was refreshing for everyone to see her smile at last. Ana watched as Hosea infolded the boy in his arms, seeming just as ecstatic to see him back where he belongs. "Jack, my dear boy, how are you?" The little one seemed just as chipper as ever, and most importantly was unharmed. "I'm fine! They fed me good. Do you think Mr Pearson can make us spaghetti?" Hosea looked puzzled yet pleased at hearing Jack explain the foreign food.

Ana patted Jack on his head and sent him a warm smile on her way over to the four men. She could hear the sound of celebratory cheers from the rest of the gang behind her. There was a bit of a tense moment as both Dutch and John sent her a knowing look, they both longed to greet her affectionately. Luckily, it was cut short by Hosea before it became uncomfortable. "Care to inform me on what happened?" he asked, looking between each man. Dutch looked amused as he thought back to his meeting with the extremely Italian man. "We met Mr Bronte, he's a character, that's for sure. He's invited us to some garden party for the finest members of society," Hosea raised an eyebrow, he and Dutch obviously shared an interest in this, "I think he may be of use to us, my friend. Come, I'll tell you all about him." Dutch and Hosea began to walk away before he turned back. "John, go spend some time with the boy. Arthur, thank you," his voice lowered as Arthur nodded in return, he sounded genuine, "Ana, come find me later. We got some work to do my friends!" He shouted and raised his arms up. "But let us have a drink tonight!"

"You boys did good, real good," Ana waved to them as she went to join everyone gathering around the fire. It looked like John needed a moment with Arthur. There was something off-putting in his expression. She reckoned he was feeling guilty for not caring for the boy sooner than he did.

"Come on, we gonna celebrate or what?!" shouted Karen with a beer in hand and a slur. The blonde had claimed she was drinking in preparation of their celebratory night.

Jack, John and Abigail made a beautiful family, Ana thought to herself feeling a pinch of jealousy swell in her throat. She washed it down with the swig of a beer she'd picked up. John eyed her with a familiar look as she stood next to Arthur. She was wearing her best red dress, a favourite of his, as well as Dutch.

"Play us away!" shouted a tipsy Uncle who stumbled into his seat. Everyone waited eagerly to dance and sing along to one of Javier's beautiful melodies. The Spanish lyrics were unknown to everyone, but they knew the chorus by heart.

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