Pissing him off

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I look up in a panic, immediately saying sorry over and over again when I realise who it was......I had just slammed my dumbass head into Bakugos chest. Now I'm not one to freak out- actually that's a lie, I freak out pretty much all the time, but this time was wayyyy different. I silently pray to make it out alive as he looks down, his face a little more scrunched up then usual. "Are you just going to fucking stand there small-ass?" He said in a very pissed of tone, I didn't respond and just started slowly backing away. Finally Uraraka stepped in to help me, "Bakugo! That's not a nice thing to say, he clearly didn't mean it!" She huffed, puffing her cheeks out a little after. Bakugo just looked away, still pissed and walked off as I quickly looked over at Uraraka. "Thank you thank you thank youuu!" I repeat, she picks up my bag and hands it over, "It's no problem (y/n), you looked really worried about the situation.." she explained ,looking at me to make sure I was okay.

I just smiled as a response, but we all know on the inside I was crippling. Why is it always me that gets the bad luck? Like I can't be anyone else? God just decided that I would be the one to deal with the Rath of Satan and all of hell combined one day. I started walking again, and to my amazing luck, and very poor timing, we had to follow behind Bakugo.....

Every now and then I could see him sneaking small glances over at us, knowing it was my time to die, I looked down at my scruffy converses for a good 75% of the walk to class. Uraraka suddenly piped up "it's okay (y/n)! If anything bad happens, me and Deku will protect you!" I smiled and looked down. It's not that I don't appreciate the care they give me, but I want to be able to stick up for myself. I can't rely on others all the time! But social anxiety just decides to be a major part of my life....
we walk into class... oh I just remembered something

I have to sit right next to the dumbass!

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