Pissing ME off!

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I have two options: one, ditch class and watch my grades slowly plummet to a C, or suck it up and get killed. Now I'm sucker for teachers and praise because it makes me feel like I have a purpose. So I decided being blown up isn't that bad and waddle into class 1A...... God this was a fucking mistake.
I'm shaking, not even that, my knees were clattering like silverware and I stumble into a few people but by now it's the usual for everyone.
Of course I still say sorry at least 5 million times, but most people don't care anyway and just shrug it off.

I slump down in my chair, CRIPPLING. I was not making it out alive Today! Say goodbye to freedom! I slowly pull out my notebook and start jotting down the notes on the bored, trying not to provoke any negative actions from lord explosion murder himself..... it didn't work out...
I feel a kick on my leg from under the table and cover my mouth before I made a noice. I look over at Bakugo "what w-was that for!" I whisper-scream at him, not I know I should get all brave around Bakugo but he was really pissing me off now! He just grunted and looked outside. THIS BITC-
Clearly he was doing this on purpose, and I had to get him back for it... but how?!?? I sigh and continue writing. To be honest I wasn't even paying attention to the schoolwork, witch is bad considering Exams are coming up soon, but would you really blame me?!? The king of Anger issues was next to me!
I tap my pen on the table repeatedly and quickly until sir yells at me to stop, but I couldn't, I kept going, I was going to break the pen if I continued and I loved the pen! But I couldn't stop!!

Bakugo had REALLYYY gotten under my skin this time, and he knew it to! Ur aka looked very concerned for me but I focused on scribbling down all the notes, almost ripping the paper, to TRY and get my mind of things.... key word TRY. It didn't work...
I was stuck
In class
With a temper tantrum on
And nothing
Or nobody
Could help me.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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