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Life fell into a pattern. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. How was it possible to find a new normal in the middle of all this craziness? Everywhere I went, I was watched and not subtly. Mrs. Rose jerked me inside the Merrow Cafe one afternoon because she didn't like how long I talked to Branna Goode. The Goodes were persona non grata after their attempt to help me escape. I'd only stopped to ask Branna why she hadn't told everyone about Molly yet, but Mrs. Rose acted like she'd caught the woman slipping me keys to a boat.

At school and the Steaming Sailor, the other students would pretend to study while darting what I'm sure they thought were surreptitious looks in my direction. Without Kieran, and even Tara and Niko, I would've gone off the deep end within a few days. As it was, I imagined throwing sharp objects at their eyeballs whenever I caught one of them staring.

I went to school to get out of the house, not to learn. What did Algebra matter when I wouldn't be around to use it? But Dylan made it a requirement- either I go to school or I spend my days glued to his side. After the first week without any mishaps, he relaxed and allowed me to roam the Island as long as I was with friends.

Those were my favorite times. I closed my eyes and tried to relive each moment. Each laugh. Each touch. Each kiss. My fingers went to my mouth and traced the outline. Kieran had spent enough time tasting and exploring those edges and curves, he could probably draw them in his sleep. Just as I could draw his.

I especially loved how his top lip was lopsided. There was a little freckle in the middle of his cupid's bow, and when he was really turned on, he would roll his bottom lip under his teeth. A thrill shot through me. He did that a lot lately.

Which made me think about taking the next step in our relationship. Deep down, I knew if I wasn't facing death in three days, I wouldn't be even close to considering sex with Kieran. Not that I didn't think we wouldn't end up there eventually, but we would take things slow. Now, the only thing holding me back was the fairness of it all. Kieran didn't strike me as a love em and leave em type. It would make my betrayal even worse in the end.

"What's got you all in yer head?"

I had my chin on my knees, watching the surf crash into the sand while Niko and Tara frolicked in the waves. Kieran sat at my side, and there was so much longing in his eyes as he watched the girls swimming, I knew I was making the right choice.

"Just enjoying the beautiful day," I said, suppressing a shiver as a gust of icy wind tried to cut through my coat. The chilly fall days were giving way to winter-like temperatures. October was not bowing out gracefully, but it fit my mood, so I didn't complain.

"Yer gonna have to do better than that," he said, hooking his arms around my waist and dragging me across his lap.

We toppled sideways. The sand was packed by recent rains so it didn't scatter beneath the impact, but I could feel the cool wetness seeping through my clothes.

"Ugh, you creep," I squealed. The giggle in my voice took the sting from my words as I tried to squirm free. "It's wet."

"I'll let you up when you talk."

He used his upper body to pin me down while he whistled a tune I didn't recognize. A slight brush along my side sent a tremor down my spine, but he doused the flames of desire when he dug his fingers in and started tickling.

"Kieran," I shrieked.


"I give in! I give in!"

"You best not be lying," he warned, lifting himself off me so I could draw in a ragged breath. Mirth sparkled in his hazel eyes, and as much as I wanted to be mad, I just couldn't when he looked at me that way.

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