Chapter 13

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(A/N Omg I updated love me)

I sat there staring at the clock as the minutes ticked by. Mr. Tanner was there at his desk, patiently flipping through a book. "I guess this means no movie night." Brent muttered to me. "SILENCE." Mr. Tanner yelled. I saw Ashley flip him off under the desk causing me to laugh. "Is something funny, Ms. Manson?" I shook my head quickly. "I think she just finds pitt stains a little funny, Mr. Tanner sir." Ashley remarked, being sarcasticly polite. And sure enough when Mr. Tanner took a check under his arms there WAS a pitt stain causing me to fall into more fits of laughter. He glared at the both of us and made his way to the door. Before he left he said, "If anyone moves, talks, or even makes the slightest noise!.. I will land all of your butt's in 5 more detentions. Understand me?" We all just nodded, except Ashley who scoffed. As soon as he was gone I let out all the breath I had been holding in. "What an as-." Ashley started but was interuppted my me kicking her leg. I put up my finger as if to say 'Sh'. She rolled her eyes. "Are you serious? The bathroom is all the way on the 2nd floor, he wouldnt hear us." She got up on the desk and started screaming, 'Ashley is the best.' It was my turn to roll my eyes. I looked over at Melissa over there, being mute. I don't know why I felt bad, shes humiliated me and hurt me so many times before but here I am feeling guilty. I turned away so I didn't need to look at her. Thats when Brent started making inapp. noises. I slapped his arm, sending him a glare, inwhich he only smiled in response. "Loosen up Kristen." Ashley said, jumping off the desk making a huge thump. She walked over to the desk and sat in Mr. Tanner's chair, spinning around. Soon she started going through his papers, laughing every so often and showing Brent things. I got curious and walked over. She shoved one in my face. It was a note, probably confiscated when being passed.

A- Can you believe she got him to hang out with her?

I wonder who A is.

M- Yeah TOTALLY. Probably is bangi-

Whoop, not gonna read that. M was most likely Maya. A girl known to, 1. Have a really annoying highpitched voice, 2. Like to spread rumors, and 3. Be part of Alexis's group... Wait. ALEXIS. Alexis is 'A'! And they were probably talking and Brent. I slammed the note down and held back tears. I was involenterilly sniffling hard. I had told Ashley the casenario throughout the day, so when she picked it up and read it she look up at me with sad eyes. "Im sorry Kris, there just complete jerks. You don't deserve stuff like that. Your not even dating for Christ's sake!" She raged on but i stopped paying attention. It was all too much. I wanted to change. Be like Ashley, laid back and stuff. Maybe if I changed like that this stuff wouldn't happen. "Teach me how to be like you." I said firmly, intturputing her rambling. "Huh?" She asked. "I wanna go with the flow, like you." I said again. She smirked. "Okay. Lesson 1: Lets break out of detention." I held up my hands. "What happened to baby steps?" I said quickly. She laughed that michievious laugh of her's. "Theres no such thing as baby steps in the fast lane my dear." She grabbed my hand and whirled me around. "Loosen up, your so tense." She chuckled. Am I really? "Here let me give you a 'small push forward.'" What I didn't know was she was saying that literally and sent me twirling towards Brent who caught me in a flash. I smiled up at him in which he returned. Before we knew it we were all dancing around the room and I found myself not worrying and completly relaxed. I liked this me. "Ready to get out now?" She grinned. I nodded before I lost all my confidence. She conveniently pulled a bobby pin out of her pocket and started jiggling at the lock. While she was doing so I took my time to sneak a glance at Marissa. "Uhm would you like to come with us?" I asked awkwardly. She glared up at me. I guess thats a no. "Got it!" Ashley yelled in triumphance. We snuck out into the vacent halls, closing the door quietly behind us. "Lets go out the exit door." She whispered. As we walked by Alexis's locker and I stopped for a minute. They both turned around. "Are you coming?" He asked. I gestured towards the bedazzled locker, wiggling my eye brows. They looked at me and grinned. This would be fun.

I looked at the now grafitted locker with a sense of accomplishment. We wrote a couple things on there, stuff I rather not say. (huehuehue) "Nice work my grasshoppers." Ashley said nodding. "Thank you senpai." I did a fake bow. "Lets go before we get caught." Brent said, ushering us towards the emergency exit. As we walked through the door the air hit me like a tornado. "Still on for movie night?" I asked, looking at him. "You know it."

(A/N I. Updated. LUFF ME! I updated cuz my frand was like UPDATE CHU BUTT SOOOO YEAH. I might as well finish what I started. LEL)

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