Walls of flame

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After having complete her assignment and returning to Salem's palace, Clockwork was soon on her way to Atlas with Cinder and a few Grimm.

Cinder scoffed as she looked at the girl as she couldn't wrap her head around on how Salem trust her, and how she was able to kill Raven and Ironwood with no problems. "Say, Clockwork, was it? How are you able to keep up with the strong, when you look weak? Other then looking like that pest Ruby Rose, which angers me."

Clockwork turned her head to face Cinder. "It's simple wolfy, I feast on their blood, whoever looks like a delightful meal for me, I drink them dry. I just didn't feast on Ironwood, because I knew his blood was tainted, Raven's however, was sweet and sour." She then grinned as she licked her lips. "Besides, these Aragami will make for a wonderful feast for me, as for your little problem, do no worry. I will take care of my half sister when the time is right, besides, you have Merlot to thank for creating me."

*Cinder's POV*

I stopped as I looked at Clockwork. "Created? How, all I know is you called Salem mother, so spill the beans. Or I might have to tear you limb from limb, what did Merlot do to create you?" I stood there snarling at her as I had my claws sharpened for a kill.

Clockwork looked back at me as she wore that twisted smile on her face, I noticed her walk close towards me as I snapped at her, but she held my head up with her hand tracing her cold finger around my neck.

"It's very simple, your DNA, Salem's and Ruby's DNA." Clockwork spoke in my ear as she let go of my head. "In ways, you can say that you and Salem are both my mother's, but that doesn't change the fact on Ruby. While I was on Ironwood's ship, I took the time to study up on everyone, and I studied not only Ruby's files, but also her team's and you and your faction."

I snarled again as I watched her walk around me after awhile. "And what of it? It's not like you can rewind time to bring the dead back, do you even know what your semblance is? If you have one that is." I then noticed Clockwork stop as she leaned in close, her red eye's looking deep into mine as if she was sucking my soul out.

"I plan on finding Ruby and her team if I have to jump through space and time with the scythe Icarus gave me." Clockwork spoke as she took her finger and ran it down my face. "And yes, I do have one. I can stop time as I please, all that I wish that I had was a clock eye."

I swallowed some air as I looked at my so called daughter. "Then perhaps your name should be different? Ella perhaps, or maybe...Scarlet?" I noticed Clockwork stand up as she tapped the side of my head with her finger.

"Ella sounds boring." Clockwork said. "But I like the name Scarlet...hmm yes, Scarlet Rose, I'll keep that in mind, I will only reveal that name to my true enemies, and to my two half sister's, I can see their faces now, Ruby shocked and horrified and Yang in rage of the outcome is."

I looked at her again as I sniffed the air. "We're getting close to Atlas, but wouldn't it be easier to use your scythe to rip a hole in space and time?" 

Clockwork glared at me as she shakes her head. "No, I have yet to see if my portal can handle more then one, besides....look at the ocean, all of Ironwood's  ships are floating, we can jump across and get to Atlas with ease."


*Third person POV*

After having jumped across several of the sunken ships, both Cinder and Clockwork made it to the fallen Atlas as the Grimm soon arrived a few moments after, and there they were the Aragami, walking around searching for their next meal. A couple of Ogretail's were walking around a ruined building as a Vajra was standing watch for any movement, there was a small shine that caught Cinder's eye as the object was wedged into a rock.

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