Part of you (rusame part 2)

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Russia stepped off the plane and began moving through the airport. A few people looked his way and a couple glared at him. He expected this, since he was in America, and even though they aren't enemies anymore, some people still don't like Russians, and Russia literally screamed Russian.

Why was Russia in America? For the mandatory every 2 mouths UN meeting. Last time the meeting took place in Russia, but they often took place in New York, since that's where the official UN building was.

Russia stepped out of the airport and into the street. Immediately, he was hit with the smells and sounds of New York. Honking, gasoline, smoke, and thousands of people. But Russia had to admit, New York had a certain feel to it, making beautiful in its own way.

He still like Moscow better though.

Russia began walking through the streets, weaving around the people who ether didn't step out of his way or tried to bump into him. He knew better then to try and hail a taxi. It was practically impossible and most would just drive off faster as soon as they got a good look at him.

It didn't really matter anyway, he knew the way to the UN building off by heart.

Russia got a lot of looks as he walked through the streets, just like at the airport, but he was used to it. Most people didn't every see someone like him unless on tv. He did notice more hostile and suspicion in the looks here though.

Even though America wanted to improve his relationship with Russia, that didn't change Americans opinions. Also, most people where in the right to be afraid of someone who was so powerful.

Russia moved through the UN security, and stepped into the UN, moving to the main conference room. As he walked, he pasted a bunch of art works given to the UN from all over the world. Russia saw USSR watching him from the glass.

Russia walked into the meeting room, he was early, so most countries where just talking. America walked up to him.

"Hey, hot stuff!"

Russia blinked confused for a second, before he could question America, USSR called out, "Why the hell is America flirting?"

Russia froze. America smirked and started talking as if nothing had happened. Russia's mind was racing, was America really flirting, or was it a game?
Just then, Russia could practically feel USSR smirk, "If it's a game, we're going to win," and Russia decide he agreed. 

So when America was talking, not paying attention to Russia, Russia gently lifted America's chin with two fingers to face Russia. America stopped mid sentence, staring at Russia. Russia pulled up a playful smirk, before speaking, "Very interesting, кролик,"
Russia stood their for a second longer before slipping away before America could respond, slipping his hands into his pockets and walked away. Hiding his smirk.

"This it going to be amusing" he heard USSR say.
And for once the two could fully agree on something.

"Very interesting, кролик," Russia said, in his calm, rumbling voice. America was suddenly hyper aware of the fingers holding up his head, his eyes locked with Russia. Russia was smiling, it wasn't mocking like America was use to, it was flirty and playful, and dark. America's mouth stopped working as he stared at russia, and then, he was gone. And America watched as Russia walked over to talk to Philippines.

America didn't know what to do. So he just stood frozen as his brain rebooted.

"Whoa," America jumped and turned to see Canada standing behind him, "you really do like him, I've never seen someone do that to you."

America turned away to hide his embarrassment, "Shut up," he muttered.

"Do you know what he called you?" America turn to look at his brother confused.


Canada smirked, "he called you a bunny, Ukraine told me it's a popular Russian pet name that you call a lover," America's face heated up more.

"I- uh" America sputtered, desperately trying to figure out how to change the subject, "way, why where you talking to Ukraine about Russian pet names?" He asked. Canada's face grew red.

America smiled, "Bro, are you-"

"Don't you dare," Canada hissed.

"You are!" America squealed.

"America, don't say it out loud!" Canada hissed, looking around, embarrassed.

America threw his arm around Canada's shoulders, pulling Canada towards him, "Don't worry bro, I won't tell a soul. Hey, I can even give you some tips for-"

Canada cut him off, "America!"

America laughed, Canada was honestly sometimes too easy to tease.

Before America could continue his conversation with Canada, UN walked into the room, and all the assembled countries took their designated seats.

America looked across from him to Russia, who gave them that dangerous smirk again before going back to a bored and annoyed expression that they where all used to.

America turned away, to face UN, but his mind was off elsewhere.

Russia had given him a pet name, Russia had flirted back. It was new and uncharted territory for America. But he was more then read to play with this new Russia.



USSR watched the meeting, quiet. He wasn't fully listen to the worlds problems like he usually did, he was watching America. His old competitor and enemy.  Russia didn't really dislike him, but didn't like him ether. USSR's hate for America had faded over the years to a distrust, and this new development with very strange.

USSR never really was a romantic when he was walking around, but he'd have many people after his heart or body before, so he had learned a few tricks himself.

If they wanted to win this game, USSR had to dust and updated those old tricks. And honestly he was excited. As a voice in someone's head, their wasn't much he could do, but now, this could get very, very interesting.

After all, nothing beats the Soviet Union.

I think I'm going to turn this into a separate book, because I'm having a lot of fun writing it and it's getting really ploty. So any suggestions for a name for said book?

Also, does anyone know how to flirt? Because I need some help with their interactions.

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