The better Hawkeye

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Shit. I really cared about her. She made me forget about Natasha. Lucky and I were already incredibly comfortable with her. This kid was wild.

The door opened. A very unenthusiastic Kate Bishop walked in the apartment she andClint Barton shared.

Kate: Hey.

Clint: Bring something good to eat?

Kate: please are we really going to break the pizza five days a week rule.

Clint kept staring down at the kitchen counter, his expression blank.

Kate: Hey, Barton you ok?

Clint: yeah, you know me. Just the weight of being Hawkeye and the weight of being a failure. Don't worry,humanity has a better skilled Hawkeye ready to save them from any alien form.

Kate: ha!

Lucky came up to Kate, a ball in his mouth.

Kate: Good Boy!

Clint: I should head to bed.

The room suddenly turning deadly quiet.

Kate looked worried and continued to pet Lucky.

Kate: Barton, I uh care about you.

I stayed silent. Bishop really knew how to get to me. We stood there staring into each other's eyes,it was moments like this, incredibly awkward that made me question everything. She was my mentee and I was her mentor. We lived together but the tension grew every day, there was no ignoring this. I turned around to my room, scared of what I would do.

The better Hawkeye and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop x Clint Barton)Where stories live. Discover now