A messy situation

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Kate: Barton! open up!


Kate: alright!

Kate grabbed her bow and shoot an explosive arrow at the door's handle. Successfully opening the door. She found Clint in a deplorable manner in bed, trash and multiple beers surrounding him. His beard needing a shave and with more bandaids and bruises than usual.

Kate: Barton, listen up, I know you just came back from a week mission but we haven't talked since whatever that night was. But I want to let you know,I don't think you're disgusting.

Clint: That's comforting.

Kate: What I mean is... who the hell cares, Barton, let's do this.

Clint: Kate, I don't think you understand. 

Clint: Kate, I used to be married that didn't work out, I screwed up with Natasha and now I can't fix it, I- can't.It's for the best. I'm just some depressed 40 year old with a mild drinking problem and I'm self-destructive by the way.

Clint: Shit, kate I'll make you miserable.

Clint: Katie, I don't want to lose you, you have great potential. I 've never seen such a self-taught sharpshooter. You truly love helping people. The world needs you,the Avengers need you. I can't jeopardize that for selfish reasons.

Kate: I can.

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