Rooftop conversations

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2:00 am Brooklyn

Kate was on the rooftop of her apartment. Admiring the new york night skyline. I was moments like this where she found a slight form of peace. However she didn't like being alone too much, her thoughts would wander into dark places. She would relive her trauma and continue to torture herself. She wore a mask and had always a snappy remark back but this was the only space where she could be vulnerable. The NewYork night was freezing and icy air surrounded her. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when she heard footsteps beside her. Clint! He sat beside her. Nothing was said during 10 minutes just 2 depressed hawkeyes staring into the vast darkness.

Clint: It's one of those nights huh?

she remained silent, staring right ahead. Her dried tears clearly showing.

Clint: I had way too many of those. Missing my family, missing Natasha-His voice choked up, missing myself.

Clint: Don't worry you get used to the pain kiddo.

Kate: I don't have anyone.

Clint: On the same boat here kid.

Kate: I'm not a kid, idiot.

Clint: sure Ms.Bishop

Kate: shut up

A half smile creeping on her drained face.

Kate: How's Cap by the way?

Clint: who cares?

Kate: you don't care about your fellow Avengers?

Clint: I'm not attached to anyone, learned my lesson by doing that.

Kate: I used to have a life you know, it was somewhat normal but now? I don't know what I have, they're all gone.

Clint: Bishop I don't know if you are knowledgeable about superhero duos but normally they have each other.

Kate kept staring at the ground. Clint moved closer. His rough lips touching her sweet mouth. She jerked away.

Kate: Barton! What the fuck are you doing!

Clint looked back in disbelief. Staring at her wide alarmed brown eyes. He stood up, his expression revealing anything and walked back to the staircase. Leaving Kate alone on the rooftop.

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