You were right

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Kate walked into her bedroom only to find Clint admiring an old picture of Natasha.

Kate: I'm fucking sick of this.

Kate: If you love her so much, what are you doing here huh? You can't, you know why cuz she's dead.

Kate: Why did you lie Clint? Why did you drag me into this mess? Was it all a lie, all that you make me feel again bullshit.

Clint glared at her.

Kate: that Russian slut, was that good huh?

Clint: Don't talk about her that like that

Kate: I'm sorry am treating your ex-girlfriend badly, mind you, you broke up with her!

Clint: don't you fucking dare talk about her that way.

Kate: Excuse me?!

Kate: listen here Barton, you are a lame excuse of a man, you sit every day in filth, claiming you are depressed. listen here you are just fucking lazy. You do nothing but mope all day. Your dog is your only friend!

Kate: You are a dead beat. You want me to reassure you aren't a bad person, but you can't hide the truth, you are.

Clint: Bishop,don't.

Kate: don't what huh?

Clint: don't mess with that

Clint: I'm not surprised a  scared little girl, which might I add has had no struggles through life due to being daddy's little girl and being showered in money doesn't understand that other people have problems too.

Clint: All you do is bitch.

Clint: You act all tough but deep down you're defenseless,you're insecure. Your father will never love you, your sisters don't give a fuck if you are alive or not and your dead mother is rolling in her grave with disappointment. There's a reason why everyone leaves you. You are just like me: a hurricane and while you may run, you can't escape the truth, Kate.

Clint: You can play superhero all day but at the end of the day you're weak.

Kate: I don't need this shit.

An arrow missed Clint's head by a few centimeters. The arrow was now ingrained in the cement wall. Leaving them both in shock. Kate in disbelief she had actually done that. Clint didn't miss a beat a proceded to get his arrow as well. Clint shoot arrow, this time the arrow missing Kate's head by a millimeter. The arrow hit the wall beside Kate, leaving a few cracks with its impacts. This arrow left Kate distraught, she held her breath.

Clint: You forget you aren't the only Hawkeye.

Kate: This is low Barton, even for you.

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