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Here I was at school again once I had arrived I had hurried and made my way towards Ms.Kangs classroom I have waited so long just to see her I wanted to see her so bad. I feel like her an I are something I mean we have to be something right we had sex and she took my virginity and I always wanted to do it with someone special and I did. I know it's wrong to be with your teacher but I just feel something special between us.

My heart was telling me to go with her and be with her but my head was telling me the complete opposite.

I was walking down to her classroom once I made it to her front door I hurried and opened the door to only see her with another man. He looked older like the same age as her. I won't lie he was quite handsome. Was she into older guys? does she not like me?

 Was she into older guys? does she not like me?

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||Kim Myung-Soo||

but what really caught my eye was his hand that was on her waist. My smile turned I into a frown as jealousy took over me.

"J-jungkook" she spoke

"Sorry I didn't know you were busy," I said with anger in my voice.

"Actually, he was right about to leave weren't you Myung-soo"

"Hmm I guess I'll go," the man said.

But before he left he whispered something into her ear that made her smirk. And with that, he gave me a glare and left.

"Who was that" I questioned

"Its nobody. Did you need something jungkook" she said

"Is that your boyfriend?"

"Look if you are not here to talk about class then you should probably go"

"What about yesterday?"

She let out a sigh before walking towards me.

"It was just a hookup babe nothing else" she whispered

I scoffed

"Are you seriouse?" I said yelling a little bit.

"What else did you expect I thought you kn-. Wait did you think that we would get together after just having sex" she said letting out a chuckle at the last sentence.

I looked down

"But you took my virginity"

"You asked for it honey," she said without emotion.

"I-I thought we were something"

She lifted up my chin with her index finger"

"Oh, babe you thought wrong. But whenever I need you I'll call you"

"So your just using me for sex"

"Hmm pretty much. I told you if you wanted me to stop I'm sorry if I broke your heart but you don't have to continue with me we can just stop and act like nothing happe-"

"No, I want you"

She smirked and spoke again

"Then maybe later but not now since class is about to start"

"But I want to be the only one to touch you nobody else" I was shocked when I said that sentence but I didn't want any other man touching her but me. I grabbed her hand and put it on my cheek making her caress it.

"Isn't that too much?" she said

"Please, I want to be the only one you can just use me for sex I don't care I just want to be the only one to touch the only one to. Make you feel good nobody else"

"Hmm fine. But you can't tell anybody if you do we are done"

"I promise I won't tell anybody"

The bell rang. I made my way towards the desk since it was my first class and with that, the day started...


~ok if you don't know the teacher is you so pretty much she might sound like a slut but she isn't she just uses people pretty much because somebody made her like that and that will come soon in the story but its not her fault that she is like using people for sex she is pretty much a fuckgirl or something like that but that will change soon sorry if I'm making her sound like a slut.

And for jungkook he isn't into any girls because he wants to focus on his studies but that all changes until he met you it was like love at first sight for him but he still doesn't know those feelings for you but all he knows is that he wants you and only you and doesn't want any man touching you

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