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Sorry for mistakes (not edited)

||Y/n's P.O.V||

Sinful sounds filled the room as I showed the police the tape I had taken. It was the next morning Myung-soo had gone to work leaving me alone I had immediately packed all the things I had before I went to the police station showing them the tape so they could lock up that motherfucker.

The sheriff looked disgusted as he saw the video not wanting to see anymore he paused it.

"I-I think that's enough evidence Ms.Kang" he muttered.

You smiled at him before giving him the address of Myung-soo.

"Heres his address and his work place just in case you dont find him"

He nodded taking the small piece of paper from my hand.

"We will immediately get right on it Ms.Kang" you nodded before heading out.

||Myung-soo's P.O.V||

"Mmm just like that" I moaned as a random woman was giving me head.

I quickly pulled out of her mouth pushing her away.

"I think that's enough your free to leave now"

She nodded getting up heading to the door as she opened it there were four officers standing there.

"Is Kim Myung-Soo here?" one of them asked.

She nodded opening the door wider so they could see me.

They nodded at the girl walking past her to get to me.

"What can I do for you officers" I said trying to act normal.

Two officers got behind me pulling my arms behind my back wrapping cuffs around my wrist.

"Kim Myung-soo you are under arrest for first degree murder, abuse, and kidnapping"

"What! I didn't do anything, who told you this huh! It was that bitch wasnt it I will fucking kill her"

That bitch set me up! She will regret this.

The police took me outside pushing me into the car.


||Y/n's P.O.V||

Here I was at Jungkooks doorstep. I hesitated before ringing the door bell not long after that the door opened widely.

"Y/n... what are you doing here?"

You softly smiled at him.

"Myung-soos in jail" I muttered

He widened his eyes. "Wait what!"

"I put him in there I reported him to the police" I explained

"I want to explain everything to you can I do that?" Jungkook looked behind him making sure his mother wasnt there before nodding.

"I see that you moved back in the house" he nodded awnsering my question.

"Well let me start from the beginning"

|| Time Skip||

"So he killed our baby..." Jungkook mumbled.

You nodded.

You were about to speak but his sons caught you off.

"I'm sorry Y/n I'm so sorry for not being there for you if I never left than our baby would've still been alive and you would've still be with me"

"Jungkook it wasnt your fault it was mine for letting my guard down it was never your fault I'm old enough to protect myself"

"Y/n I still love you and I still want to be with you please take be back these last few weeks without you have been miserable I need you in my life" he cried into my shoulder.

"Please" he mumbled.

You let out a sigh.

"I cant keep lying to myself but I've missed you like crazy too. And I want to be with you as well. At first I was going to let you go but I just can see myself doing that."

"So will you be mine again?" He whispered.

You smiled at him before responding.


He widened his eyes.

"B-but y-you just said-"

"Not yet after you graduate I will be yours. I'll be waiting for you" you whispered.

Leaning in you attached your lips onto his. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach and fireworks playing as you kissed him full of love.

You slowly pulled away.

"I love you. I will be here waiting for you right when you graduate."

He smiled nodding.

"I love you too Noona"



I cant believe I'm done with this book I'm happy but sad. I hope you guys enjoyed the journey of a teacher and a student. I think I will do a bonus chapter just so you can see what happens after Jungoo graduates.

I hope you enjoyed this book thank you all so much for the support and all the positive comments. I'm sorry if this wasnt the ending you were looking for.

Again Thank you so so much for sticking around! Make sure to check out my other Jungkook book I have.

Love you guys so so much!!!!!!

Love you guys so so much!!!!!!

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