New Threat

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You flung yourself out of bed at the first sound of the alarm. Today was the day you had been looking forward to for months. You were finally going to the BTS concert you had dreamed about attending for a while now and cheering for them as they made their way to their vans afterwards where they would be smiling and waving, occasionally giving the hand shake or high-five.

"EEEEE I can't believe it's finally the day," you squeal. You couldn't help it; the excitement was too much. You open twitter to see the newest update on times and what to expect. You were going to die and it was going to be amazing. It was official, their looks and entirety of themselves would kill you.

After that night Kim Namjoon saved you four months ago you had been doing all sorts of research into who exactly he was and found out he was some famous celebrity who was leader of a Korean boy band of seven members. You were determined to see him again and thank him for helping you out of that situation.

As you were fantasizing about the day ahead, your mother called you down for breakfast. She was visiting for a few weeks since it was getting closer to your birthday.

"Kate! Breakfast!" She called. You sniffed the air and it smelled familiarly sweet. Suddenly you recognized why it was so familiar.

"WAFFLESSSSSSS!" You screamed, even more excited and rushed downstairs to the kitchen.

Your mom looked at you, frightened at your sudden appearance before lightly laughing. You were grinning so wide as you shoveled breakfast into your mouth.

Your mom laughed again. "I would ask what you were so hyper about but I already know."

You gaped at her, waffle almost spilling from your stuffed cheeks, drooling syrup. You shut your mouth for a moment to swallow but immediately answered her. "How do you know?"

She only smiled at you, rolling her eyes. "You wouldn't shut up about it since the day you got the darn things." Those things being the ticket now in your jean pocket you would be wearing there. You were going alone as you had no irl ARMY friends to go with you but you were sure you would make some tonight. You bounced in your seat still too excited to sit still.

You looked at the time, suddenly jumping out of your seat, surprising your mom once again.

"oh shit."

"Language." your mother chided.

You looked at her, panicking, ignoring her warning. "I gotta go or I'm not gonna get there in time to get a good spot in line."

Your mom nodded understandingly. "I'll see you in the morning then I suppose." She kissed your forehead as you were running in place, ready to go. "Love you mom. See you later."

"Stay safe." She called after you as you were already too far out the door to hear.

~~~Time skip to the concert hall wait~~~

You were waiting for hours and it was finally time to begin filing into the concert hall. You had met some nice people, Nick and Rae you like the most, and had a fun time playing some games and making small talk.

The boys had arrived via the backstage entrance and would only be leaving where ARMY could say goodbye since this was their last US concert and they would be heading back to Korea within a day or two.

There was still about 20 minutes until you had to make your way to the pit so you asked Nick to save your spot and you headed to the restroom. While you were about to open the door you overheard some girls talking about the concert. You briefly thought you might be like Tae and make a few new friends in the toilets and almost opened the door when you heard something from them that made you freeze.

"BTS had better watch it, because after tonight, there will only be six members and a grave."

"Are you going to do it yourself or is someone else going to take the shot?" The other girl asked.

"Obviously not me. They won't miss I promise." The first girl responded, obviously easing her friends' worries and horrifying you.

"When?" the friend asked.

"While they're walking to their van."

One of the other girls inquire, "which one is it gonna be?"

You couldn't hear anything but a muffled answer and a vague answer you hoped you heard incorrectly.

There were a couple of giggles signaling the end of their conversation. You heard footsteps coming toward you and you quickly hid around the corner to avoid being caught eavesdropping.

What were you going to do? There had been so many false reports about threats at the concerts as of late that the guards have been dismissing anything without supporting evidence. You had no evidence. There were no cameras in the restroom. Your phone does not have a recording app so even if you hadn't been too shocked, you couldn't have done anything in that little time. Some of the ARMY might believe you but that would cause mass panic and even more people could get hurt. Plus that would not stop the attackers, only delay them.

You started hatching a plan in your head as you walked back to the main area of the concert hall.

There was one thing on your mind in that minute, you had to find Namjoon.


A/N: hello agin my lovely readers! I apologize for not updating but as with my other stories I just have so much to do with family stuff, school, work and yeah- BUT I'm hoping this update will be like an "IM BACK" kinda thing :) anywho I do wanna say that this story was inspired my an idea i had but also i took some consideration from threats to them in the past and I'm not up to date on how those problems were solved but if you hear of them to not do what is in this story (since her decision, while it makes a little sense and has a point, isn't the thing to do, but is to spur on the story) you should immediately go to Big Hit about any threats and problems <3 ~K

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