love is hard.
love is weird.
they say you cant love someone fully until you love yourself.
they say you cant love someone if your too young.
they say you cant love someone if their the same as you.
i say that love has no terms.
my rules to being able to love is that you wish them no harm.
you wish them happiness.
you wish theyre success.
you wish you could hold them when they cry.
you wish you could hug them when theyre glad.
you wish you could kiss them under the stars.
but even if you follow them all, theres no guarantee.
you wish and wish that they love you back.
but loving isnt simple.
loving hurts.
you can love them with all your heart.
from the bottom to the top.
but theres no guarantee theyll do the same.
its easy knowing to love,
but harder to deal with heart break.
what even is love?
can you love someone you havent met?
can you love someone who you dont even know 100%?
love is weird.
love is hard.
but love is love.
and you cant change who your in love with.
you can only hope theyll love you back.
and in the fatefull event that they dont.
you can only hope that the falling out of love isnt as hard as the falling in love.