Day One

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"The second one's up!" Nephlite shouted triumphantly to his fellow generals, all of which were busy stacking firewood and dragging comfortable-looking logs to form a loose ring around where they intended to light the fire later on.

He had just managed to pin up a small tent by hand, identical to one put up by Jadeite a few minutes earlier. Of course, Nephlite's one was marginally bigger and better, with enough room to sleep him and every single hair product he owned. His hair was of luxurious maroon, and was wavy, bushy and in his personal opinion, downright perfect; every morning, he spent at least an hour styling his precious hair, putting each strand in place before using nearly an entire can of hairspray to keep it there.

"Are you capable of pitching the other tents or will you need a hand so we aren't attempting this in the dark?" Malachite asked with his usual sarcastic and disapproving flair as he strode across their make-shift campsite. 

"I don't think there are any more..." Nephlite murmured, shaking the canvas bag upside down to double check its contents.

A loud thud accompanied by a girlish scream caused all three heads to turn.

"OWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" he screeched pathetically as a large hammer plonked directly onto his foot.

Zoisite giggled her trademark giggle and pranced around the injured man, a smug and delighted look taking over her face as he crouched down to nurse his toes. Had she still been able to use her powers when on holiday, she would've levitated far above Nephlite in a taunting manner and proceeded to shower him in sakura petals until he looked as if he was an unneeded addition to a bridal photo shoot. However, rules were rules, and Queen Beryl was not one to be wasting precious Nega-energy on a surprise camping trip.

The antagonistic pair had had a strong rivalry ever since Zoisite had joined the Negaverse, nearly two years ago. For a little over a month everything was relatively peaceful, but something happened that, for argument's sake, had become a rather sensitive subject. However, as they weren't willing to mention it, they came to the joint decision to act almost normal. 'Almost normal' meant fights every other day and strings of brutal comments spat at each other in between. 

"It's not funny."

"I can see I'm bothering you," she remarked gleefully. 

"That's enough. Jadeite, come here," Malachite ordered, gathering the others around him. "It would appear that we're equipped with only two tents." He was interrupted by a groan of disappointment from all three. "What are the preferred sleeping arrangements?"

"How about we split it by gender?" Zoisite suggested.

It sounded reasonably logical to Jadeite—until he thought the idea through properly, that is.  "Hey, that's not fair! Nephlite has way too much stuff to fit all three of us in there!" he argued defensively, stamping a scarlet boot into the dust to help make his stroppy point. 

"If you insist on making a fuss, you will all be sent straight back to Queen Beryl to explain why you can't even take leave without causing a problem." 

"Well, I don't care who I share with," daringly, Jadeite was the first to speak after Malachite's threat.

"I'll sleep with Zoisite," Nephlite said boldly, his words accompanied by a cheeky smirk. 

"Ew! Absolutely not! You think I'd like to sleep anywhere near you?" Zoisite laughed in disbelief at his thoughtless proposal. 

"I suppose it's a case of rock-paper-scissors, seeing as no one wants to stay in the same tent as Nephlite," Malachite decided, already brewing up a plan in his mind to avoid sharing with the second general of the Negaverse. 

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