Day 1'471

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Day 1'471

Some soft mumbles woke Pibs up. She was sleeping, obviously, because she couldn't really remember what happened before. She laid numb on something slimy, moving her hand a little bit to identify the weird stuff under her.

With a sleepy groan, she opened up her lids and saw some blurred black thing in front of her, it was wiggling a little.

"Y-you awake, Princess?" The stuttering voice of Nightmare let her twitch a little, looking back and she realized that she was placed between his legs. His tentacles were wrapped around her waist and her upper body, so she couldn't even try to escape.

"Didn't you... like... kidnap me? I'm confused." Her eyes looked up to the serious face of Nightmare, this one was just staring in front of him and avoiding her look, not answering her. After Pibs tried to free herself a few times, but it failed every single time, she gave up and played offended.

"Are you hungry? Or maybe thirsty?"

"A little bit of both... Why did you kidnap me?!" One of Nightmare's tentacles got a bottle next to him and a small bunch with a sandwich in it, he raised the bottle up to her lips and give her some careful sips. Sometimes, Pibs needed breaks and coughed loudly, Nightmare rubbed her back comforting.

"Shush. Go easy, wanna have the first bite? It's your favorite sandwich... Red... told me about it." With a confused expression, she glanced up to him and he smiled down to her, poking against her cheeks with the sandwich and Pibs obeyed.

She took small bites, starting to relax and accustom to the whole situation. Nightmare stroked softly over her head, she kept on eating the sandwich until she told him she was done.

"Fine. I'll eat it up now." Nightmare said, showing the rest of the sandwich in his mouth and burping afterwards.


"Sorry, I couldn't resist..." And they silenced again. Pibs moved again, trying to find a comfy position and her thoughts whirled around in her head, trying to solve why he had caught her.

"Were you just lonely? Can't you just... Let me go?!" But Nightmare just shook his head, wrapping his tentacles stronger around her and pressed her against him.

"Listen, I'm really sorry, but... I have no other choice. H-he... he forces me to do this. Fresh-"

"FRESH? What does Fresh do?! Where is he by the way and what the heck-"

"SHUSH! Please, just listen to me! Fresh is... threatening me! He told me I should kidnap you, he already kidnapped Horror, Error and even Dust and Killer! I can't take it anymore! He told me to... bring you to him..." Before Pibs could even try to return a question, there was a inky portal appearing next to them and I was jumping through it.

"Nightmare... How could you dare..." My voice was low, the anger flaming up in my body and I was clenching my fists. I spotted Nightmare sitting to the right side of me and Pibs was between his legs and tentacles.

"Ink... Stay away!" He enclosed his tentacles more around her and backed off a few yards. I just followed them, until one of his tentacles was pointing on my chest out of a sudden. It was sharp, already drilling in my protector on my chest and I stopped moving shortly.

"Ink, please... I don't know what's wrong with him, but he-" Pibs was trying to tell me something, but Nightmare made her shut up and she choked by his hand.

"Listen, Bud... It wasn't my choice to steal her and it wasn't my choice either, to give her to him."

"Who the fuck is him?"

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