Part 1: Welcome to Forks

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November sniffed hard and pressed another tissue to her nose, staring out the window as the tall pines flicked past. Her and her half-sister Bella were seated in the back of a small orange cab, on the way from the tiny Forks airport to Bella's dad's house. Charlie had offered to come and pick the girls up from the airport, but Bella had told him not to, as he was busy with his job as Chief of Police.

Snow was plummeting down outside, and November couldn't help a small smile. Forks was clearly beautiful, with large expanses of forest and gorgeous mountain ranges, but the cold permeated the small town year-round and was almost crippling. Used to the scorching hot weather of Phoenix, November and Bella had been reduced to shuddering, sniffling messes almost as soon as they'd disembarked the plane into the frigid, misty weather. She'd seen snow a couple of times before, when she had gone travelling overseas with her biological father, but was always enamoured by it. It made her feel as if she was in a movie or her own personal fairy tale. Next to her, Bella turned up the heat on the sputtering heat vents and shifted deeper into her layers of thin coats with a shudder.

The cab was silent bar for the driver's bulky radio taped to the front seat; the reason both Bella and November had had to cram into the back together. November wondered what the surly man did when there were more than two people trying to fit into the cab. He'd flatly refused to move it when November had asked, and she'd slunk into the backseat in resentful silence. The radio was tinnily playing a man singing opera in some language that she couldn't recognise.

She glanced over at Bella at the same time as Bella's eyes flicked to her, and they both forced small smiles before looking away quickly, Bella turning to stare out her window again. The plane flight over had been much the same. They'd made stilted conversation as they'd eaten their steaming containers of chicken and mushroom penne, but other than that the two had kept mostly to themselves. Despite the chill, November felt sweat begin to dampen the underarms of her shirt and she shifted uncomfortably. She'd never met Charlie before, and moving to a new school half way through her final year was enough to send her into a nauseating cycle of worrying and over-preparing for literally anything. She'd already decided exactly what she'd say when she met Charlie, and hoped to God that she didn't just blank out and ruin her first impression.

November turned to Bella, forcing her nerves down to speak, "How do you think mom's doing without us around?"

Bella turned to November with an awkward smile, "Knowing her, she's already worrying and driving Phil crazy with it."

November nodded, "I just hope she doesn't worry about us too much," she said, smiling tentatively.

To her relief, Bella's tense expression softened a bit, and she shook her head fondly, "knowing her, she's already managed to lose her phone charger. She probably won't be able to call us for a while until she finds it again."

November let out a chuckle, letting her head fall back on the headrest. The taxi was finally beginning to warm up thanks to the struggling heater, and she slithered out of her heavy, down-coat, folding it across her lap. Outside, a large sign situated on the side of the road was coming closer into view. It read, 'the city of Forks welcomes you' and had a small picture of a tree and some smaller, undistinguishable shapes decorating it. Bella and her both silently watched it whoosh by.

There was silence for a moment, before Bella said, "are you nervous?"

November groaned, "so nervous. Don't remind me. I'm terrified of starting school tomorrow."

"I'm terrified as well," she paused, "Let's stick together, alright?"

November turned her head to see Bella looking at her steadily, and let out a sigh of relief, "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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