Why Jemma Is My Amigo :3

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Jemma is one of my very best friends. I mEaN yOu PrObAbLy AlL kNoW tHaT bUt WhO cArEs AboUt WHaT YoU tHiNk YoU PaTHeTiC rAtS. And because she did this for me on my birthday I shall tell you all the story of how we became friends!

Three years ago




Jemma and I were assigned to do a project about traffic and about what the most EfFiCiEnT way to travel was. Our teacher assigned us to groups with random people. Keep in mind this was the beginning of the year so I knew AbSoLuTeLy No OnE in our group. We had to move around the desks and sit with the people in our group. That day, I just HaPpEnEd to bring a smol plastic bear that I won from one of those machines at Walmart where you put a coin in it and then a ball with a toy inside of it comes out. (it was several different colors and it smelt like burnt rubber) Jemma just HaPpEnEd to bring one of those smol lalaloopsy dolls. We also just HaPpEnEd to sit next to each other by chance. Then we saw each other's toys and started talking about them for the EnTiRe class instead of doing our work. So that's how we met.

The next school year, last year, we got put in the same language arts and history class. (at our school we have the same LA and History teacher for two years and last year was the first year we had her so she's still our teacher right now) Due to this happening we became even closer friends. Then around September or October, I started getting into Wattpad. I didn't have an account at that time but I just read random fanfictions. Then, in October I created this account. I kept pestering Jemma about Wattpad until one day she finally made an account. Then she abandoned that account and made a new one ObViOuSlY. Anyways, during that year we gradually grew closer as friends.

Moving on to this year, school year I mean. The beginning of the year started out as usual however, another one if our friends just HaPpEnEd to transfer into our LA and History class. The three of us were extremely happy, well at least in my opinion, and we all continued to grow together. Now, we only have a few more weeks left of school then it's going to be summer. Although, that's not gonna stop us from being friends and continuing to grow together! ^^

Well now that we got that out of the way, I shall tell you all why Jemma is such a great person! First of all she is one of the kindest people I've ever met! Like seriously she's super nice. . . unless you piss her off then she might kill you. Second she is very caring. As you all know I'm depressed and I've thought about doing some bad stuff to myself. I told Jemma about it and she talked to me until I calmed down and didn't feel like doing those things. She cares about all of her friends.

Even though we're not as interested in some of the same things we're still great friends! For example, Jemma has told me that she wasn't really that into anime and I' never really got into Kpop. But that's okay because that never stopped us from being friends!

Surprisingly, despite how long we've been friends, we have never fought before. Honestly, a lot of people have told me that if you never fight with someone then you're relationship most likely isn't that good because you're afraid to say what's on your mind to that person. But, that's not true for Jemma and I. The truth is, we've never really had a reason to fight with each other. I consider that a pretty good relationship.

Jemma is one of the greatest people I have ever met. I know that this isn't as good as the one that you wrote for me but it's just so hard to put our friendship into words. But you really are one of my bestest friends and I hope that we can remain friends forever. oH sNaP that sounded so corny, but it's tru tho.

Remember, if you ever need to talk to someone about anything Jemma, you can always talk to me :3

Happy Birthday my dude! Hope this brightened up your day a little. Fuck i made it sound like you're having a bad day ;-;


LoVe YoU nO hOmO <3


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