1st day of school

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My alarm woke me up i shot up out of bed looked around in terror looking for my probably drunk as hell mom i looked but she wasnt comming up to slap me was she really gone i questioned myself then got up got dressed in a shirt that said RECKLESS CHICK witch really wasnt me i just liked how it looked with the black an red an not just any shade of red but blood red i threw on some really skinny skinny jeans did my hair an makeup put in some bright blue contacts my eyes are already blue but i wanted to see how id look with crystal blue eyes..... i think i look better i grumbled to myself now all i want is a lip ring i put on some ankle high black an white converse an headed down the stairs only to see caroline an her boyfriend brad makeing out on the counter then i walked up an said cant u go to your room for that? as i grabbed an apple out of the fridge they only seperated to ask what the fuck happened to me an i said i happened get used to it slut then i went to ashleys car hopped in an said lets go she looked at me in total awe an said wow you are gorgeous like this! i said thanks but can we go i sorda  wanna get to school before they get the chance to trash me she said oh yea im sorry an pulled out of the drive way an went to the school i got out an started walking to tje school people looked at me an then i walked by some jock an ge screamed emo fagget i cant believe what happened to u alexis white! then next thing i know the emos an goths come over to me an i just dropped to the ground expecting to get beat up i said just make it quick plz then they looked at me in confussion an realized i was the girl who always got beat up they had a look of simpathy when they looked at me but then they looked at the jock who had just called me an emo fagget an then in no time a girl pounced on him an started delivering very strong punches to his face an screamed at him dont ever hurt alexis again i remember u, u always threw her against the lockers an called horrible names an shit so just leave her alone once she finished her little speach one of the guys went over an started punching him as well i slowly stood an was wondering why nobody was throwing punches at me then rite as i turn around caroline was rite there i shriecked cuz i didnt even here her an she said wow alex looks like u got these little faggots to help u but there so unstable there probably not even able to go a day without a knife or razor! When she said that i just completely lost it an threw a powerful punch straite at her face she was on the floor holding her now gushing blood nose an then i pounced an started punching her screaming i have nobody an these people i have to thank cuz nobody has ever stood up for me these guys are awesome an you are nothing but a skanky whore all u do is fuck brad every other day u know how it feels to know your step sister is getting fucked everynight ur fucking evil an you call the only people who have even attempted to stop this shit fucking emo fags that cant go without cutting then you caroline are nothing to me!!!! by the time i stopped an got off of her i realized everyone was looking at me an caroline who was now bruised an bloody with a few big bumps on her body i leaped off an didnt know wut to say an nobody else did either i thanked the girl an guy but then asked why they did it an they said well he deserved it for many reasons an the girl said i saw him hurt u last year he needed to pay an thr guy said u just shouldnt be treated like that then they said i cant believe u beat caroline up an is what you said true? i said quietly yea then turned around walking into the school an felt weird not good not bad but that i did something  it hurts to know im gonna be called a faggot but whats the worst they could do?? wut do i have to loose i walked to my locker an put my stuff away great i have PE for my first period i go to PE an see that the 2 who stood up for me had the same thing for there first period. when PE was over i went to math then social studies then language arts then art, art class was my last periods before lunch it was finally lunch i was happy it was lunch cuz i was starving i got my lunch an sat in my ussual spot with my back against the wall an i looked away then i heard footsteps an looked an the emo kids came over an asked if they could eat with me i replied with an urm yeah they said cool i then saw one of the boys an he looked really cool i looked at him an i said hi im alexis but u can call me alex he said cool im adam he was incredibly cute an he also had piercings i said i like your spider bites he said thanks i like your hair i started to blush then i said your hairs cooler he said in its ways i guess i said yeah  when lunch was over i had about 4 more friends adam,christin,jeff, an chris so now i have 6 friends this is the best day ever i screamed in my head. 2 more classes go by an now 1 minute till schools out i grabbed my stuff an got ready to go next thing i hear is the bell i shoot up an run for the car just cuz i hate all schools haha well i do so i got to the car waited for ashley then we drove to my house still no mom i was so happy i just ran to my room an layed down for a few minutes then i grabbed my board off the wall an went out to the road an went to the canyon on my checker board skateboard then came back at 9:00pm an crashed on my bed, bed time for bed i mummbled

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