Chapter 28: Shooting

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"Are you two going or what?" Jiu said, "Coming..."

Handong and Sua stayed at the back. "Guessing your message is as bad as mine." Said Sua.

Handong was confused, She remained silent and stared into Sua's eyes. Not in a 'I love you' kind of way more like a suspicious way. Then she notices Sua's eyes are lighter than last night's.

"Sure, I guess you can say that.." Handong answered.

They arrived to the location Madam Yeeun said. "A... beach? Really?" Sua sighed.

Handong and Minji felt like they've been there before.

"Deja vu, Am I right?" Yoohyeon suddenly spoke. Handong slowly nodded.

Jiu suddenly gets a text from Eunbin saying, "Yoohyeon's corpse is missing..."

Jiu replied with, "were busy rn. Cant help you. Sorry"

Handong looked at Jiu's screen, "Looks like Hyuk's taken care of that." Yoohyeon said.

Handong scratches her head. "We still have 3 hours til the shooting, How about we relax for a bit?" Sua said.

"Sure, Just dont scream and yell so much!" Jiu said.

Sua's phone dinged again, It was a message from Minwoo, A picture of her talking to Jiu.

Sua looks at the direction the picture was taken, Minwoo was nowhere to be seen..

Sua runs to a random direction, "Sua! Where are you going?!" Siyeon yelled. Sua ignored Siyeon and ended up in a forest.

'Yet another forest... Yay..' Sua took a deep breath before taking out a cigarette and lit it.

Sua exhaled before hearing something moving closer to her. Sua moves to that area and sees someone. Sua's first instict was to punch and does so, knocking them down. Sua realizes it was Jiu she punched, "Jiu! Im sorry!"

Someone grabbed her shoulder, Sua focuses her vision and sees Minwoo. Sua's hair changes color, She tries to burn him but nothing happened. "Fire proof." Minwoo laughed.

Sua's eyes turned black for a second, Minwoo noticed and stepped back.

"You want be so bad? Fine," Sua stepped closer to Minwoo and kisses him. His lips turn black as he falls to the ground. Sua knelt down and Minwoo's heart stopped beating.

Sua snaps out of it and she changes to normal. Sua carries Jiu to the beach.

"What happened!?" Gahyeon asked, Jiu woke up. A gun shot can be heard.

The girls turned around to see the shooting started. No one was dead... yet.

"Girls, Fight them off, I'll take the people to safety! move!" Jiu ordered. They obeyed.

After a few moments, The shooting stopped. Handong felt uncomfortable since it reminded her of her past.

"That was easy..." Siyeon said.

"Too easy.."

"Well done, girls." Siyeon recognized the voice, they turned around to see a man.

Siyeon stood in shock, "Who are you?!" Jiu shouted. Sua also recognized the man.

"Uncle..." Mumbled Siyeon.

"Looks like someone remembers." Siyeon's uncle pulls out a gun and pointed it to Siyeon.

"Dongdong, Find a gun and help Siyeon." Yoohyeon said.

"Why would I?" Whispered Handong.


"Just kidding," Handong tries to find a gun with bullets. Out of all the guns, None of the guns had bullets.

Siyeon's uncle pressed the trigger, Sua immediatly reacted and somehow caught the bullet with her hand. The gun shot again and shot Sua. Sua didn't collapse or die.

Sua ran to him and pins him down. She grabs the gun and points the gun to his head.

"Hurt Siyeonnie and this will happen." Sua presses the trigger, killing Siyeon's uncle.

Sua stood and went to Siyeon, "Are you okay, Siyeonnie?"

"Yeah, but can you chill?" Siyeon said before Sua nods.

"Head out, girls!" Everyone got into their vehicles.

Jiu, Siyeon, Handong and Gahyeon arrived at the office and went to their meeting area.

Yoohyeon was waiting in her seat, looking at a file folder.

"Yoohyeon?!" Everyone was shocked to see her. Everyone hugged her. No one noticed that Sua wasn't in the room.

"Guys, Im doing something... But Im glad that you can see me." Yoohyeon smiled before eyeing the file folder again.

Handong glances at the file, "Han Sang Hyuk.. Still haven't found info about him?"

Yoohyeon nodded. "Whats weird is he was registered only 1 year ago..."

Handong suddenly gets a call, "Excuse me."

Handong went outside. "Hello?...... On my way."

Handong got onto her motorbike and drove, passing the speed limit.

Handong opened the gate. "You're here." Handong walked over to the source of the voice.

Handong sees Dami tied up to a chair, unconcious.

"Nice job, Bora." Said Handong. "My pleasure."

Both of their phones suddenly dinged. Bora and Handong checked their phone.

From: Unknown

Sua and Siyeon caught

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Sua and Siyeon caught. During a kidnapping.

"How did anyone get this?!" Sua yelled.

"Thanks Bora but its Sua's time to take over," Handong said.

"This was weeks ago... maybe months.." Sua muttered. "Lets go."

Handong and Sua got into their vehicles and drove to the office.

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