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unknown number
kehlani this keith, i got your
number from chloe

unknown number
i never meant to hurt you, i
really like u, ur the only person
i can talk to about my problems
and i need you

so i help u & u leave? keith im
not a celebrity, i don't want to
be mixed up with your drama,
u want to be with ryan & i don't
care, that's you

unknown number
kehlani, please, we can
talk about all of this, let
me FaceTime u

i don't think that's a good

unknown number
at least let me explain myself

I'll let you explain yourself
but that's it,


"talk"I say, this is our first time seeing each other through phone although this should be a happy moment for me, it's not.

"wow you look..."He clear his throat cutting himself off."Ryan came over and told me that Quincy had told her that I was cheating on her and thats why she thought she could get revenge on me and make out with him and shit but she didn't know he was lying on me, it was just a mistake"Keith says.

"Do you hear your words right now?"I scoff.He
really believe this bullshit.I know damn well she lying, that's a whole excuse I would say.

"it's obvious she's lying to you keith"I say."I just love her kehlani...& I don't want to jeopardize that"
He says and I roll my eyes."You're not jeopardizing anything Keith, she's the one that's cheating"It's like he's not listening to what I am saying.

"This was a bad idea, goodbye Keith"I sigh ready to hang up."Wait please!can we not leave on this note,
I really like you kehlani"He sighs.

"Okay, fine, but if you get played, again, don't blame shit on me"he nods."bye Keith, I have to let my friends in"

"Bye kehlani"

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃. KEITH POWERSWhere stories live. Discover now