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a/n heyyyy....heyyy.....
how y'all doing? 😂 ( look that video up 😩 )
anyways miss y'all so i felt like coming back...
ima leave by the end this week LMAO

KEITH EXPECTED THIS MEETING TO BE A NORMAL MEETING—BUT IT WASN'T. "Come on Keith think about it, you and ryan are a power couple, think about how much attention you two would get again especially at awards shows!"his manager said.

"I already have a beautiful girlfriend that i love, i'm not throwing that away for no attention" Keith replied, staring blankly at his manager.

Lately, his manger been pissing him off about keith and kehlani. it's obvious she didn't like their relationship but it was keith's choices.

"A girl you met off instagram that you barely know anything about! Keith this girl is a threat to your career"
Keith huffed. "No she's not"

"Keith all that has been going on these past months were drama, drama cause of that girl! you need to think about that keith you could loose your whole career about this, directors don't want negative attention on their stars you'll barley get in new shows"

"I don't care what people say about me Jordan, i love kehlani and that's that"

"You love her?"Jordan snickered. "Keith y'all met over instagram, and she's not even a celebrity!"

"Who the fuck cares!"Keith's temper started to rise as she kept judging him and kehlani's relationship. Their relationship was nobody business but theirs.

"Keith nobody is trying to make you mad" Max, his agent said. "We just think you're better off with ryan"

"How would y'all know what i feel, how many times do i gotta say i fucking love who i'm with and i'm not letting it go"

"Keith your making a mistake! just hear us out, ryan and you together could make—"

"Nah i don't give a fuck about the press or ryan! I'm gon' be with my baby rather y'all like it or not i'm leaving if all y'all gon' do is discriminate my relationship. next subject"
Keith said in a deeper tone.

Jordan and Max sighed, changing the next subject.



"And then they had the nerve to say i love that bitch , i was gon air that bitch out if they said that shit one more time on god!" Keith raged through the phone.

Kehlani chuckled. "Oh my god you're sounding a lot like me now!"

Keith couldn't help but let out a chuckle even though he was still mad. "Aw you smiled, the only smile i seen in 10 whole minutes"

"i'm sorry lani, they just really made me mad, people always wanna talk about somebody else relationship like they know something"

"Fuck them honestly, and stop worrying about that they don't know what they talking about"

"you right"he sighed. "my bad i been going on and on 'bout my day, how was yours baby girl?"

"Uh it was pretty normal" kehlani replied. "went to work and came back same ole shit"

"You and the girls ain't hanging out today?"

Kehlani shrugged. "probably"


Kehlani threw a short tantrum."bro why you jinx this shit i ain't wanna deal with these hoes"

Keith laughed. "I'll call you later i gotta go to a game"
"a game?" kehlani asked. "Yeah with chris"

"Who the fuck is chris?"

"Chris brown"


Keith laughed hanging up. Kehlani groaned loudly.
"I hate him oh my fucking god!"

"do not use the lords name in vain" chloe said walking in her room. "Shut the fuck up!"

" Keith really about to go hang with Chris brown and ain't fucking tell me!"

"Whew" Kirsten said laying out on her bed. "Imagine keith being better than chris"Kehlani threw a pillow at chloe making her laugh.

liked by kehlaniibaby , chrisbrownofficial , & 1,100,098others!

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liked by kehlaniibaby , chrisbrownofficial , & 1,100,098

keithpowers 💪🏾

iiamchloe he won't lying....

k.turboo chris 😍😍 > keith 🌰


keithpowers @kehlaniibaby 😡😡

username periodt

username a duo we didn't know we needed

chrisbrownofficial @kehlaniibaby 😂😂❤️


username 😍😍

itsalgee tuff 💪🏽!

username kehlani acting like this her first time meeting a celebrity

kehlaniibaby @username this is my first time meeting a actual celebrity!!!!

keithpowers @kehlaniibaby 🖕🏿

itsalgee @kehlaniibaby dats y not a celebrity now hoe

kehlaniibaby @itsalgee i am happy how i am ☺️

username ugh daddies😍😍

iiamchloe make a song !!! oh wait keith can't sing he was just lip syncing 😂😂

k.turboo @iiamchloe LMAO

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